Recent content by Grand Campion

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  1. Grand Campion

    Hair Growth

    He is a Maine Angus Simmental Cross.
  2. Grand Campion

    I am new

    no problemo!
  3. Grand Campion

    I need help!!

    Okay my steer last year did the same thing. Do you have a chute? Like a fitting chute. If you do, you can start tying him up in that, then you can go out and practice. make him stand there for ten seconds. if he moves, make a loop and start over. once he does it, pet him up, give him a treat or...
  4. Grand Campion

    Finishing steer

    Hey! I have some questions! my steer needs a bit more fat cover and muscle in the flank area, do you guys know of any add-ins, out pour ons I can give in his feed? Thanks so much!
  5. Grand Campion

    I am new

    Hey! I do too! This is my third year showing steers! If you have any questions or anything, shoot me a thread!
  6. Grand Campion

    I need help!!

    Do you mean like, when you set him up he sidles over?
  7. Grand Campion

    Upcoming shows in Idaho?

  8. Grand Campion

    Upcoming shows in Idaho?

    what about you
  9. Grand Campion

    Upcoming shows in Idaho?

    I show a Maine Angus simmental shorthorn cross. its a mouthful lol
  10. Grand Campion

    Hair Growth

    there is no way you guessed that! I did get him from Trevor!
  11. Grand Campion

    Upcoming shows in Idaho?

    Yes! I live in Idaho as well id you go to a website called Showman App, they have all the upcoming shows and the app doesn't cost you a dime! You dont even have to download it and it will show you all of the shows. See you there probably lol
  12. Grand Campion

    Hair Growth

    Our first show Is April 6th 2025
  13. Grand Campion

    Hair Growth

    we just switched the grain and now he has corn, molasses and some other stuff included in his grain so hopefully that will help!