Recent content by knabe

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  1. knabe

    Bored at Christmas time? How about Embryo Transfer?

    12 year interval on posts. Impressive that someone did a find on that.
  2. knabe

    What breed is best.

    If starting out, I would NOT buy a clubby female with 0 calves. Go look at multiple generations of something that produces what you think you like instead of something that hasn’t had a calf yet. The reason so many heat wave heifers and similar were sold is because they weren’t bull calves...
  3. knabe

    Tim Ohlde interview

    Tim had students that were from Cal Poly for a while of which I was one and several others I knew. He knew Mike Hall who was a beef instructor at Poly from shorthorns, who Tim was also involved with which i wish he would have went over. He would bring a 24 foot trailer or two of club calves to...
  4. knabe

    Is this heifer stunted or am I just overthinking it?

    looks smallish. not sure what you mean by keep growing. like till they are 5? later maturing cattle do grow until they are five but obviously rate slows down after 2. i guess i would be careful about using bulls that are too small, heifer safe etc., show cattle. show cattle tend to look more...
  5. knabe

    I guess the parties over.

    that pic of the steer on the Avatar has got to go. i guess for me, it's a turnoff as that doesn't even remotely represent a show steer. something more contemporary or rotating would be good.
  6. knabe

    twin valley polling, maine anjou

    Manon of spring, scurred fullblood Maine Anjou heifer DNA tested scurred. I think the only genetics available from twin valley line without inox in pedigree. all the semen from sire was frozen with a faulty extender, so all semen was bad. this heifer was from an embryo...
  7. knabe

    La Plata Ruby Lady Chief

    what i would do is look up in reverse order, his registered offspring, and then start calling people.
  8. knabe

    OSU wins NAILE over TX A&M

    the weakest link was weaker
  9. knabe

    Weston Surprise 9th Dr. Bert Moore

    your link is spam. use .org, instead of .com
  10. knabe

    2023 herdsires

    nice website
  11. knabe

    Help with steer.....

    Post on Facebook, then link.
  12. knabe

    Beef Friesian

    Cows were on the order of 12-1300 tops. Very moderate snd applicable today. If it were me, I would make them red. :)
  13. knabe

    What is roaches up on the back mean?

    Rounds up in the back. Some have said selenium supplement shots will loosen pasterns. Best not to choose either when picking out cattle.
  14. knabe

    Beef Friesian

    Hers a couple really good ones.
  15. knabe

    Beef Friesian

    try here.