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  1. librarian

    Wayne Caldwell Neely Collection of Old Shorthorn Cattle Catalogs

    Thought some folks might find these interesting. Hope all is well. I just raise Galloways now but always will love Shorthorns.
  2. librarian

    Grey Breasted Jock

    If you dig back on the Angus side you will see some cool things, like Rito 149. These are very functional old time genetics from both breeds
  3. librarian

    Grey Breasted Jock

    I have a nice bull calf sired by an Emulation 31 grandson out of a white Native cow. He is not blue roan, but black with charcoal underline. He is kind of a collector's item by virtue of Leader 21 close up on the bottom and E31 on the top. The Angus side also has Alap of Wye. Im selling the pair...
  4. librarian

    Red Angus A.I. sires fairly hot in the Showring now.

    Calvo is supposed to have really functional cattle
  5. librarian

    Native calf...just a picture of whats new

    Mark, to what you were saying about Scotch and Dual..this E5 cow is the result of putting Leader genetics, including Leader 21, and Weston Trademark 3rd on Haumont dual females. I'd say 3/4 of the pedigree is Haumont.
  6. librarian

    Native calf...just a picture of whats new

    E5- Pretty much an ideal cow to me
  7. librarian

    Native calf...just a picture of whats new

    My Cherry heifer lost her calf. I saved the heifer but it was not good. The calf was way too big and Felix went into the freezer over it. She did breed right back so she is a strong and fertile little cow. Better news is the roan heifer calf by What A Surprise is growing well and her dam, CSB...
  8. librarian

    Herd grazing just north of Tyndall, SD

    I saw a  nice herd up there the other day but cant figure out who they belong to? Does anyone know? Lots of old fashioned roans and good udders. You can PM me.
  9. librarian

    Sararennan please stop

    What you are doing is so uncool. This used to be a great neighborhood.
  10. librarian

    May/June Shorthorn Country page 12

    A good article by Matt Woolfolk on the top ten Shorthorn sires by progeny and where are we going with this?
  11. librarian

    Native calf...just a picture of whats new

    My Cherry heifer is bagging up. Looks like a real pretty udder so far. The sire of the calf is DMH Felix 2019. From what I see the Leader x Haumont crosses are complementary for adding some muscle and volume to the dual type, bringing frame size down a notch and retaining milk and all around...
  12. librarian

    Native calf...just a picture of whats new

    And, Okotoks, Nobody asked, but I have seen a lot of different combinations of old sires on these dual purpose genetics and if you have any Ball Dee Perfect is a phenotypic elixir.
  13. librarian

    Native calf...just a picture of whats new CSB Cherry H31 heifer a daughter of your cow by What a Surprise and bred back to him through circumstance. I'm all about linebreeding but would rather skip a generation. However, I see your cow is the product of a mother son mating so I guess we can call it tradition. Mine  a very...
  14. librarian

    Columbus of Wye Angus genetics
