If it is not closer than 1/2 siblings I say don’t worry as long as she is clean of genetic defects and the bull you are using is as well. One of the best Shorthorn bulls I ever produced and as a oh crap that is as son over dam. She did not take AI that year and he was running cleanup. He just...
I have copies of the "Shorthorn AI Sire Directory 2008-2009" And the ":Shorthorn AI Sire Directory 2012-2013" does anybody know if the AI Sire Directories were done for different years besides those 2 years. If so where can i get my hands on some of them or is there a digital copy somewhere.
Might try deworming him with a different mode of action wormer. A few years ago a neighbor had a similar problem of loose stools calf just not quite performing. He had been using avermectin class dewormers, I went over and helped him treat the calf with prohibit that solves the problem. I...
Looking at a young Simmental bull prospect but he has nice little white ankle sock on both back feet. I am concerned about the possibilities of him throwing spotted calves. Any of you got any experience with this?
I know his dam carries the spotter gene, she has thrown a couple of spotted...
Nice looking cattle. Did you notice that most of those Angus Bulls are carrying 50% North American Genetics in their pedigrees?
The Shorthorn bull pictured is a product of mating 1/2 Siblings the maternal and paternal grandsire is...
I pulled up the picture of Enticer and the mom in question and put them side by side I was not there nor have I seen them in person but perhaps there is some resemblance.
Glad those two are working well. As far as showing cattle that is a whole other world of hair. None of ours has enough hair for the show folks down here either. That is ok because outside of the show world down here hairy does not work in the commercial setting.
As far as looks, those two look just fine to me. I do not know the temp range (time of year) of the first picture. On the second picture taken today, I know you are further North than I am. My main concern would be the hair on those two. All things equal the hairier the cow down here...