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  1. J

    Just a couple pics

    Just a couple pics from the pasture today, thought I would share. First 2 are of a Simple Math x Dream On heifer Next 2 are of a Simmi Heifer sired by our herd bull
  2. J

    Took some pics today

    Freddy thanks, pretty excited with how SM worked on our cows, have the maternal look they are suppose to have. The Monopoly hfr is really good, just a bad picture. The TW hfr has been one of my favorites from the get go. TYD- We only weigh our purebred cattle. Guessing I would say they weighed...
  3. J

    Took some pics today

    more pics 1. Grizzly x WMW bull 2. Simple Math x Grizz Heifer 3 & 4. Tiger Woods x Char x WMW Heifer 5. Monopoly x Char Heifer
  4. J

    Took some pics today

    Finally got a chance to get a few pictures taken. 1. Simple Math x Dream On Heifer 2 & 3. Simple Math x Draft Pick x Meyer 734 Bull 4. Dam of Simple Math bull more pics to come
  5. J

    Which Is Best Simmi Bull?

    His WW and YW numbers took a jump and I believe are about the highest of any Simmental bull, for this reason with just one calf crop and no daughters in production it tends to have a negative effect on MCE Milk and CE because typically high performing growth bulls are not the most maternal...
  6. J

    Simple Math calves

    We are really satisfied with our SM calves. Calves have the good front ends with some stoutness, bone, and hair. Not to extreme on any part. Only complaint is 2 of them have tight curly hair and that is never good. Only baldy calves have been out of baldy cows, no extra white which is good...
  7. J

    Need Simmi bull other than Meyer or CNS that is maternal and affordable

    I would have to vote for Grandmaster right now. He seems to be very consistent siring calves that look like the one pictured in this thread. (sound, hairy, soft, and stout) We don't have our Fat Butt calves yet, but after talking to a guy today I am scared. He said they all were long gestation...
  8. J

    came across this one She looks like she could work
  9. J

    Soybean hulls

    did some research calves on straight soybean hull pellets gained 2.41 lbs/day. Calves on pellet with soybean hulls and meal gained 2.61 lbs a day. Calves on Land O Lakes creep gained 2.6 lbs/day. hull pellets were 15% protein hull and meal pellets were 18% and LOL was 16%. It is by far the...
  10. J

    Arby's commercial

    I guess what I was really thinking is it is sad no matter what kind of beef they are selling that they can do a better job of promoting it then we do. I understand they are trying to sell a sandwich and make money, but isn't that what we should be doing. Say what you will about the CAB but it...
  11. J

    3C Mocho Breeding Suggestion

    I am sure there are plenty that will work. The one that has worked best for us is the "Olie" bull. Some Olie sons that would pry work are Superior and Upgrade. They will both put some depth into their calves, but it seems Superior is putting more front on his calves. We had one Upgrade with a...
  12. J

    AI Clinics - Any in the upper Midwest?

    Contact SDSU reproduction guy George Perry 605-688-5456. I believe he is putting on a clinic the end of March at the Worthing sale barn south of Sioux Falls.
  13. J

    Arby's commercial Here is the long version of the commercial. Maybe it isn't as good as I thought, but I guess it did it's job of making me want to eat at Arby's and order their Angus sandwich.
  14. J

    Arby's commercial

    Not sure how many of you have seen the Arby's commercial with the little jingle about everyone liking Angus beef, but IMO Arby's is doing a better job of promoting our product (even if it is Angus) then we or our checkoff dollars are. If you haven't seen it, it is pretty good kind of catchy and...
  15. J

    Dr. Who Bull

    Sorry, we sold him back in November. Thanks for looking
  16. J

    Flying B Cut Above "Fat Butt"

    We put enough expenses into embryo work semen would be the last place we are willing to take a short cut. And I would be extremely disappointed with 3 eggs. How many unfertilized did you have? I guess IMO you spent more money by not freezing the embryos you threw away. I look at it like cost of...
  17. J

    Item gone

    Sucks that this kind of stuff happens. Might want to see if your farm insurance would cover the stolen ltems
  18. J

    sire of herefore and shorthorn at Ft Worth

    Shorthorn was sired by Heat Wave out of a purebred shorthorn cow. Sold in Thomas pasture sale raised by Scheel
  19. J

    Best Bull For Cow

    Not to be mean, but sounds like you would be better off sending her down the road.
  20. J

    Black Hills Stock Show

    Bulls avg 3135 Hfrs avg idea on quality, but assuming it was pretty good by the prices. Didn't ask what the high sellers were