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  1. RSC

    SP Classifieds Purchase: Need a ride from IL to NE?

    Thanks for the reply Doc. It looks like Brent is a few weeks out. If anyone else hears of anything, let us know. Here's a picture of the heifer. The boys are excited to get her home. Tony
  2. RSC

    SP Classifieds Purchase: Need a ride from IL to NE?

    We just recently purchased a show heifer from the classifieds.  She is located in Flanagan, IL and we are looking for a ride to get her to the Columbus, NE area.  If anyone has a ride please respond to this thread or text/call to 402 942-1848. Thanks, Tony Romshek
  3. RSC

    Popular Calving Ease Hereford Bulls?

    We just purchased a Hereford Heifer for the boys to show. We are not that familiar with the breed so would appreciate all suggestions & links if possible. We are looking at possibly selling her as a bred next Spring once we are done showing. Would possibly consider a bull that's a little pricey...
  4. RSC

    bull lease?

    You'll get a 60 day lease for this.
  5. RSC

    What kind of momma's are the Bojo's making?

    I have one due in 3-4 weeks. I'll let you know.
  6. RSC

    New website!!!

    Here's the link.
  7. RSC

    $600,000 world record Hereford

    I've heard from a source close to the situation that the whole deal is for real as well.
  8. RSC

    Cattlemen's Classic-Sales today

    Just a reminder, due to snow. The Angus, SIMM & Char were postponed until today(Friday) starting at noon with the Angus.
  9. RSC

    YOUR Favorite Bull!!!

    Refresh the old. Googled for a bull and came up with this thread.
  10. RSC

    Stock Show University Grad Program, heads to Rensselaer, IN December 15th-16th

    I took my 3 boys to the one in Nebraska this last weekend. Great experience for all ages. 
  11. RSC


    They look real good Jamie. Link to the sale:
  12. RSC

    Smilin Bob?

    What kind of cows does be work on? Couple real good fat steers out of him in Nebraska this year. Any reports elsewhere as to how his calves are doing in the ring? Thanks, Tony
  13. RSC

    Bull were using on some Charolais cows for sale this fall.

    Nice bull Jamie, what's the cow side? Have you had any good creme calves this year? Any clubbly bred bulls?
  14. RSC

    Picture I'm Proud Of!

    Great grab.  It's fun to see the results of a photo like that.
  15. RSC

    Good Video: HSUS

    IMO, checkoff dollors should advertise this all over TV.
  16. RSC

    Good Video: HSUS I thought this was good and worth sharing. Tony
  17. RSC

    Simmi/Clubby bulls

    Dr Meyer out of Meyer 734 x Harrieta is a good clubby influenced Simmy bull. Christo sold some good ones out of him at the Classic this year.
  18. RSC

    BREEDERS raising CHAROLAIS composites to register ....

    Why have a registration for half bloods if you can't use them to breed up the %? Sounds like a gimmick to sell registrations to me.