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  1. linnettejane

    my jpj shorthorn + herd

    here's some pics of my girls and calves...jpj influenced...from daughters to great granddaughters...the black and blue females are out of purebred cows and an angus bull...will be breeding whole herd to the bull pictured this year...once I get these black and blues calved out a time or two...
  2. linnettejane

    JPJ Daughters

    my opinion...for what its worth...I have 12 females that have jpj in them...ranging from direct daughters to great granddaughters...all have calved unassisted (why I keep their daughters)...they are moderate sized, easy keeping, nice uddered, and complaints here with him!  I...
  3. linnettejane

    My Shorthorn crosses

    very nice!  love them blues!
  4. linnettejane

    my girls (pics)

    Thanks!  I'm sold out of calves right now, but we will start calving again in October and calves will be available April 2017.  I've kept 7 of these F1's back from the past 2 calving seasons.  Really anxious to get them into production,  First calves from them will be fall 2017.  They will get...
  5. linnettejane

    Pasture pics 2016

    awesome females!  i must say, I'm partial to the Leroy's myself.  although my experience with him is limited, i have had great results with calving ease, docility, and easy keeping.  i plan on using him on my mature cows again this fall!  fingers crossed for some more females!
  6. linnettejane

    my girls (pics)

    thanks for the compliments guys! 
  7. linnettejane

    my girls (pics)

    some random pics from around the farm this summer and late spring
  8. linnettejane

    Stoutest hiest quality Angus-Short cross hiefers Ive seen on here-PAY ATTENTION

    wow!...thanks for the comments guys! make a girl blush! you all have helped me and my little herd so much!  it all started with two little purebred shorthorn heifers I bought off here from scott, a purebred red maine bull registered 75% shorthorn from josh, then a cool heifer- bull trade with...
  9. linnettejane

    Thoughts on these Bulls?

    really nice!!!  id LOVE to use one but the hubs is bucking me on the purebred deal... (argue) keep posting pics of them!
  10. linnettejane

    White Angus

    can someone post a pic of one? :o
  11. linnettejane

    Ohio Beef Expo Sale March 19, 2016

    really nice set!!!  (clapping)
  12. linnettejane

    shorty x angus fall calves

    thanks guys!  not sure what we are going to breed to next...the hubs and I are butting heads...I want throw a shorthorn back on them and he is wanting to stick a black bull back on them...we have until fall to get it figured out... (argue)
  13. linnettejane

    shorty x angus fall calves

    second crop of these shorthorn x angus calves...1st set of replacements we kept will get bred this fall...anxious to see how they do...
  14. linnettejane

    A couple of Shorthorn x Angus crosses

    I love everything so far about my shorthorn x angus!  nice looking heifers doc!
  15. linnettejane

    For Mark Tennenbaum

    nice looking bulls!