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  1. K

    Momma's Boy

    where can I find him at?
  2. K


    so its actually 2049, I was only 2 off :'(
  3. K

    Cool Room Tips

    YEha I owuld use either mulch or maybe sand, I have seen a couple coolers with sand in them but dont know how that would work with a gutter. I would deffintaly add a wash rack inside one of those building
  4. K

    RED is sick-prayers needed!

    I am sorry I am an dummy when it comes to times, what would  12am eastern be in central???
  5. K

    Cool Room Tips

    Ok well not sure how your hog house is set up but most have a vat does yours??? are the floors cement? are the gutter at the frotn or back of the farrowing crates? Sorry I just had a dumb moment if the hog house has gutters it isn tgoing to have a vat under the crates also (:))
  6. K

    Broken Hearted

    WOW an dwho was this and where???
  7. K

    Too fat

    How are they gaining??? I need to keep these heifers at about 3 lbs of gain
  8. K

    Cool Room Tips

    Oh ok, I would say you could get about 15 per room, each calf needs about 75 sq feet. But if I was you, I would mak e12x50 for the claes and then 12x50 for grroming chutes, fans, a wash bay, and everything else, so you can do everything inside the buildings, but if you are doing even 20 calves...
  9. K

    New picture

    is that where your steer came from ??? he looks good
  10. K

    RED is sick-prayers needed!

    I hope she gets well soon!! Justme I sent you a pm
  11. K

    Cool Room Tips

    Its a good idea, it is hard work, how many calves doi you think your building can handle, or how big is your building??
  12. K

    Worst Winter

    I hate wind >:( Dont ask me why I live in Kansas ;D
  13. K

    Black Paint on Columbia Coat HELP!!!!

    Well last show WE went to the kids got black paint on every thing in including a pink show shirt, so when We got home about a 4 hour drive, and then the next moring a sprayed almost everything with hocus pocus, but I ran out so the pink show shirt, and my coat,( same material as Columbia coats,)...
  14. K

    Worst Winter

    That is how it has been here, today it was in the 60's, and tomarrow there is like a 70% chance of snow :'( and then last thursday it was 36 degrees and then friday was 62 degrees worst winter last year, it was HORRIBLE, >:( We would wake up every two hours and plow our drive way and the road...
  15. K

    Too fat

    OK I have a pen of heifers that are getting too fat. I need to keep them gaining as much weight as possible  but not get fat. How can I do this??
  16. K

    Cool Room Tips

    For bedding I would use mulch. I would let them run free in there, so they wont get too stiff. I think for 8 calves the room would need to be a 50x12. For a room that big I would say contact Cool calf, for one of their drop in units. even with a cooler room you still need to rince a couple times...
  17. K

    sale of champions NWSS

    Heat Wave or one of his sons would be my gusse :'(
  18. K


    I will have a litter of those on Feburary 2nd ;D ;D
  19. K

    My November hfr

    I see where she got her tail head from ;D, she looks good, I like her