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    What books are you reading?

    What makes you think that?  ;D
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    Steer Planet BB MADNESS - UPDATE - Winner Receives FREE Steer Planet T-Shirt!!!

    Take a look at the second round for your mountaineers.  ;)
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    What books are you reading?

    I just finished Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. He tells it really well, but it's a little on the tragic side. What books are you reading?
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    Word Association Game

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    Steer Planet BB MADNESS - UPDATE - Winner Receives FREE Steer Planet T-Shirt!!!

    UGA Cowboy and Cowboy Up, You still need to fill out your entries.
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    Word Association Game

    Larry the Cable Guy
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    Steer Planet BB MADNESS - UPDATE - Winner Receives FREE Steer Planet T-Shirt!!!

    Unless you feel out of the goodness of your heart to defer your t-shirt to the second place finisher.  ;)
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    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Poppin' out a pint a Guinness tonight?  ;)
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    How's the Weather?!

    Noice  <cowboy>
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    How's the Weather?!

    It's sunny and seventy-four degrees outside my window  8)
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    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    OCH, AYE! sweet post red