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  1. simba

    Hiefer Day old and a dollar short

    Looks great! Cool markings too.
  2. simba

    When is it considered overkill?

    Going back to the original question... Is it overkill? Of course. Is spending more than market value on a steer because he's a "show steer" and not just a "feedlot steer" overkill? Sure. Is spending an hour a day working hair for months only to be in the ring for 20 minutes overkill? Yup. As...
  3. simba

    Do you agree or disagree with this?

    I completely agree with that statement, Mark!
  4. simba

    Facebook Cattle Page
  5. simba

    Saw something weird today...

    That was my first thought but they are wobbly like scurs and seem a bit too far away to have been attached. Other than that I have no ideas.
  6. simba

    Saw something weird today...

    I was clipping bulls today and saw something that I'd never seen before. One of the Hereford bulls had four scurs- two little ones on either side of his head. Has anyone ever seen this? I forgot to get a picture when he was in the chute since we were in a hurry but I managed to get a blurry...
  7. simba

    Simmental Breeders, please help

    I appreciate all of the info that has been provided. I know that the criteria is very strict and the price range is very low but the college is unwilling to budge on either area. Trust me, it's very frustrating for me too. These are the bulls that I think would best fit their criteria, please...
  8. simba

    Simmental Breeders, please help

    I'm working on a school project and I have to find 3 Simmental heifer bulls that are carried by major Canadian semen companies that meet these requirements. I don't necessarily agree with this criteria and I know that it's nearly impossible but I have no choice. Please let me know if you have...
  9. simba

    Alberta photographer

    I 100% agree with cowboy_nyk. Grant is awesome at what he does and also supports many junior events which makes him more appealing to me. I also agree with his recommendations for when to picture, as long as your cows and sires are in good shape in the summer.
  10. simba

    Possible Job Opportunity- Looking for Advice/Comments

    Hey John, I emailed you on the 16th but I haven't heard from you- hope you received the email.
  11. simba

    Post your most exciting matings!

    Lots of us are spring calving right now, so I thought it would be fun to see the matings that you guys are most excited about. This is mine: BARE MISS ZIG ZAG 37Z  X  BARE MR YOU TUBE 4Y. Due mid March.
  12. simba

    Have you ever seen this?

    We assumed it had been from frost bite but it sounds like it could have happened for a number of different reasons. The thing that I do know is that I really wish that I would have kept the tail to use on short-tailed show cattle in the future! Cowboy_nyk, I did some research on ergot and...
  13. simba

    Cleaning white

    Mrs. Stewart's Liquid Bluing mixed with dish soap. Just don't mix it too strong or you'll stain them blue which is pretty embarrassing.
  14. simba

    Have you ever seen this?

    I'm no city girl but I was caught off guard and did a lot of "Ew ew ew-ing" when I was cleaing up a bull for a sale and his whole tail switch fell off!!
  15. simba

    Possible Job Opportunity- Looking for Advice/Comments

    Thanks for the suggestion Telos, another person PM'd me and said the exact same thing so I will certainly look into it!
  16. simba

    Possible Job Opportunity- Looking for Advice/Comments

    I'm 19 years old and currently in my second year of Agricultural Management at Olds College in Alberta. Next year I would really like to take on a short-term job in the States working on show cattle for a competitive cattle operation. I'd be looking at a January to May time frame as it would...
  17. simba

    The Charolais Curl

    There's a lot of good info in the above posts. Lustre's Pink Sheen Spray and Sullivan's Wave Tamer will also work wonders when the hair is worked as explained above. If you have the choice next time I really do believe that your results are much better if you can slick the animal out and start...
  18. simba

    Hereford Question- RU Tracker 2E

    I won two straws of Tracker a while back but I don't know much about him and I haven't been able to find any pictures of his daughters. I did call one of his owners and he didn't have much to say other than that he should only be used on large framed cows with a large pelvic area. The online...
  19. simba

    Opinions on this bull calf- Updated Picture

    Here's an updated picture for anyone who's been following this post.
  20. simba

    Frozen Ears

    Same idea as the vet wrap, but we just duct tape the ears back. It doesn't stick too much to the hair so it's easy to take off. Just don't wrap the duct tape too tight around the calf's neck.