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  1. G

    Steer Planet Photo Contest - Post "ANYTHING GOES" Photos Here:

    Motley Crew There is just way too much wrong with this (on our road)
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    Please Help Me?!

    The places they tend to like scratching the most....tailhead, between the shoulder blades, and in the twist area (back of rump under the tail). When you go into the pen, don't approach directly from the front, come in from the side and scratch one of those places he likes.  Then when you...
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    Special prayer/thought request

    Spring graduation at my University was two weeks ago, and since then, 3 people that had just graduated have died.  I didn't know any of them, but it's just so sad all the same.  One of them was in an accident while biking across Canada to celebrate graduating.  :-\
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    smokey marbling

    Oh dear would be  (lol)    That came out sounding funny.  I guess it would be interesting, but do you really know anyone who would volunteer? ;D Ok Knabe I think I misunderstood the idea a bit (I read very quickly, I'll admit).  So this type of marbling is visually...
  5. G

    Steer Planet Photo contest-Post your pet pictures here!

    Waiting patiently for a pet.:D I'm going to count horse as a pet....because, well, who am I kidding...he doesn't work all that hard Oh this one even has the dog in it :P
  6. G

    smokey marbling

    Is he referring to live animal ultrasound?  Or some sort of ultrasound on meat?  It was my understanding that ultrasound marbling measures are equivalent to a "visual"  measures.  Maybe he is talking about a different style of machine.  Anyway, definitely visual marbling score is not always an...
  7. G

    Customer Review

    I used Revive one or two times a week, put on the dry calf, then brushed and/or blowed in.  Then when you rinse the next morning, it seems the shine really comes out then.
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    Please Help Me?!

    Aside from the fainting goats, I can't see breed mattering that much.  Nubians can be kind of hard keepers I guess.  For butting, as long as you don't get a wee young one, I get the feeling it would stand up for itself all right. Interesting that you will have water buffalo around.  Maybe you...
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    Our ad in the SC

    It's true some people are such packrats!  I have over 10 years worth of every cattle magazine and catalog that has come to my house (and I'm only 22).  I haven't gotten to the point of calling people up on old ads, but it's definitely where a lot of name recognition comes from.
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    Please Help Me?!

    If you can't get another calf, would a sheep or goat be an option?
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    Word Association Game

    Brother I know that wouldn't be most people's association, but I read that and just pictured the time that my brother ate a finger full of pure lard my mom rendered, I suppose thinking it was something else.....more appetizing.
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    Word Association Game

    Pork Roast  ;D
  13. G

    how to set up

    I think conformationally most calves would naturally stand wider behind than in front so yes I set them closer (mature bulls might be the exception, but I've never showed them).  If your son had them too wide for the calf's build, then yes I can see how that would be a point against him, as it...
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    Temple Grandin workshop

    Somebody does some research on behavioural genetics.....I think at Pudue, but I don't remember the name or species, sorry.  I haven't heard of that particular problem/discovery in chickens, but lets just say some modern chickens are pretty screwed up in some ways because of the selection...
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    Temporal whorl - disposition

    I've looked at it sometimes when I think of it, but never done like a complete proper scoring of the herd or anything.  I would not give it 100%, but there does seem to be some correlation.  And it seems like the really extremes might be the ones it really shows up on (well wait, maybe that's ...