Temple Grandin workshop

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Southeast Ohio
            Dr. Temple Grandin, an expert on animal handling and animal behavior is coming to Ross County to give a livestock handling workshop on August 24 and 25.  As I write this newsletter I still do not have details regarding specific times, location and cost, but livestock producers may want to reserve these dates on your calendar.  For those who may not be familiar with Dr. Grandin’s work, here is some information taken from her web page:
        Dr. Grandin is a designer of livestock handling facilities and a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Facilities she has designed are located in the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries. In North America, almost half of the cattle are handled in a center track restrainer system that she designed for meat plants. Curved chute and race systems she has designed for cattle are used worldwide and her writings on the flight zone and other principles of grazing animal behavior have helped many people to reduce stress on their animals during handling.
            Currently, Dr. Grandin teaches courses on livestock behavior and facility design at Colorado State University and consults with the livestock industry on facility design, livestock handling, and animal welfare. She has appeared on television shows such as 20/20, 48 Hours, CNN Larry King Live, PrimeTime Live, the Today Show, and many shows in other countries. She has been featured in People Magazine, the New York Times, Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, Time Magazine, the New York Times book review, and Discover magazine. Interviews with Dr. Grandin have been broadcast on National Public Radio. She has also authored over 300 articles in both scientific journals and livestock periodicals on animal handling, welfare, and facility design. She is the author of "Thinking in Pictures", "Livestock Handling and Transport," and "Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals." Her book "Animals in Translation" was a New York Times best seller.
            As more details become available regarding this workshop in Ross County, I’ll post the information on the Athens County Extension web site at: http://athens.osu.edu/ under the “Hot Topics” heading in the left-hand column.  For those without Internet access, check back with at the Athens County Extension office at 593-8555 by mid-July.  For now, keep the dates of August 24-25 open.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Thanks, sjcc, for the info on this workshop.  I am a long time fan of Dr. Grandin's work.  If you get the chance, go to this training.  This will give you a whole new appreciation for how cattle think and how to be quieter and more efficient when you move or work cattle.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
sj, ask her about the book you just read, and her observational skills.  she helped rid one chicken producer of raping roosters.  she just watched them for a while, found they wouldn't dance or allow the hens to acclimate to their machinations.  it seems, from a selection point, that it may have been a single gene.  it would be VERY interesting to find a behavior based gene, especially if it's one gene.  thinking of ext here.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I hsve met Temple Grandin on a few occasions and she never ceases to amaze me. She is truly a living miracle and she has certainly given parents of autistic children something to strive towards. If you want to see 5 excellent 10 minute videos on Temple Grandin just Google " The Woman who thinks like a cow". They are on youtube and they are extremely interesting. Temple has designed the handling facilities at several major feedlots and packing plants here and they are extremely efficient to work cattle in. She has definitely been given a gift, although much of society would consider she was given a handicap.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
knabe said:
sj, ask her about the book you just read, and her observational skills.  she helped rid one chicken producer of raping roosters.  she just watched them for a while, found they wouldn't dance or allow the hens to acclimate to their machinations.  it seems, from a selection point, that it may have been a single gene.  it would be VERY interesting to find a behavior based gene, especially if it's one gene.  thinking of ext here.

Somebody does some research on behavioural genetics.....I think at Pudue, but I don't remember the name or species, sorry.  I haven't heard of that particular problem/discovery in chickens, but lets just say some modern chickens are pretty screwed up in some ways because of the selection pressure on few traits, and the short generation interval enhancing all the effects, good and bad.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
sjcattle, please keep me updated on when, where, cost etc......I really believe it would be worth my trip to attend! And trust me, it would be a trip!!!! But I too have met her and she amazes me with her ideas, ideals, and simplicity.
Thanks! (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Scott- truly believe this is a good topic to keep in the front. Let us know when the details are more set.

Show Hef- if you go to it, make sure you let me know. Maybe we can meet 1/2 way or you could us us as a lay-over point.



Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Southeast Ohio
New info...

Program will be 2 days.... Speakers will be Grandin... Nevil Speer... and Francis Fluharty....

Speer and Fluharty will be on Saturday along with Temple....

August 24 and 25

Friday evening 6:00 registration Temple will start her presentation  Finish up about 9:00.

Saturday Not sure what start time will be.. It will be on on farm wiht the remainder of Grandin's presentation along with the other guys... Lunch on Saturday by Ross Co Cattleman and Pro Beef Alliance....Any further details call Dave Mangione at Ross Co extension or Jeff Fisher at Pike Co extension....


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Southeast Ohio

DUH!! I forgot to mention that the Friday meeting is at the Ross county service center which is located on ST RT 50 in  down town Chillicothe.. WEST of St Rt 23.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Southeast Ohio
"Handling, Feeding, and Marketing Cattle for Profit"

"Handling, Feeding, and Marketing Cattle for Profit" is the theme for an August 24th and 25th meeting at the Ross County Service Center and a local farm near Chillicothe. Rising input costs, dry weather, and ever changing market prices require beef producers to maintain themselves on the cutting edge of management and marketing information. Modern animal behavior and management techniques combined with current feeding and marketing trends to remain competitive in a changing world will be highlighted.

Dr. Temple Grandin, a designer of livestock handling facilities and a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, will be the highlighted speaker on Friday evening and will provide innovative ideas on "Animal Behavior and Facility Design". She will also do a hands-on facility session on Saturday morning in addition to her insights for youth on halter breaking project calves.

At 11:30 am on August 25th, Dr. Nevil Speer, a professor of Animal Science at Western Kentucky University, will give a presentation on "Feeder Cattle Outlook for Calves and Stockers". Speer's beef industry involvement is comprehensive and has allowed him to work on a variety of national projects. He also writes the "Monthly Market Profile" a column that covers current market events while also providing insight into agriculture industry and beef sector trends and issues.

Dr. Francis Fluharty, a Research Scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center will provide timely information on "Pre-conditioning Calves for Market" and "Feeding Strategies for Fall and Winter". Dr. Fluharty specializes in beef cattle disciplines of growth, development, and nutrition. He teaches Feedlot Management and Cow-Calf short courses throughout Ohio.

More details and registration information can be found at the website: http://ross.osu.edu/agriculture-natural-resources/ag-forms-files/2007-grandin-flyer.pdf Cost for the program is $5.00 per person to cover lunch. For more information, contact the OSU Extension office in Pike County at 740-947-2121.

The "Handling, Feeding, and Marketing Cattle for Profit" program is jointly hosted by the Ross and Pike County Offices of OSU Extension with sponsorship from the Ross and Pike County Cattlemen's Association, the Ohio Pro- Beef Alliance, and United Producers, Inc.


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
red said:
Thanks Scott!

OH B, if you go- want to take me?

Red (clapping)
This might be a good outing. I will let you know. August 24 and 25. I think it might be fun to go one of those days. Let me think on it and see what i can find out Red.... ;)