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  1. G

    need some help

    Fun with Fruits & Veggies Good Luck with the calving!
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    Ohio Beef Newsletter

    They are better writers than me, at least when I'm on the spot like here.  But yes, that's basically what I was trying to say about heterosis, so thanks Red.
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    Anyone going to the Tarleton State Show@ Stephenville,TX?

    Wow REd that's great.  You can be so proud of your kids when they grow up and leave home.
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    Pedigree-O-philes start your engines - the hunt continues

    Well get out the cat suit and get out there then DL....or the drunk city teenager costume so you can claim you are cow tipping  (lol)
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    Keeping white; white

    It should.  That is what QuicSilver (for horses) is.  But QuicSilver is expensive and so have most of the human ones I've seen, so if the Pantene is a little better that would be great!!  I'm much too lazy for white calves  :D but my horse does have a white (or supposedly white) tail.
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    What type of heat Detection method do you use?

    Well I've never AIed for real, but they did let us practice on those ever so patient dairy culls last year.  And I'm backwards even though I'm right handed, because I palpate right and gun left.  I know  the reason is dexterity, but I'm fairy ambidexterous (or equally uncoordinated with both...
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    I'm not good at this game but being DL I'm going to guess it's a PHA culprit.  Stinger?
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    Word Association Game

    painful Way to go there Junior  ;D  (I kid I kid)  But you did make me just notice that Red is referred to as a "hero" member.  That is pretty cute.
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    Our Current Affliction of the Year - Warts on a Group of Heifers

    Pray for sun.  I think that usually gets the best of them eventually.  If you have really monsterous ones you could try putting a castrator band around them when you run them through.
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    Dead calves - was it aliens?

    Given the early in life deaths, I think the cow condition/nutrition aspect should be looked at very closely.  Even though they have mineral and stuff, you just never know.  Bad batch of hay, some mineral out of balance.  Besides calcium I know vitamin D has a role in milk fever, but I can't...
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    Before Beefpacas there were guys always want to blame the dairy bull  :D  I've heard of mire Brown Swiss in beef crosses though, to be fair to the Jersey.....your brindle cows are good suspects.  But I just said that the "neutral" allele wasn't very common in the beef animals, not that it doesn't exist.  No...
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    Interesting..... Well don't tell Gypsy because I don't think she likes to look hers in the eye, but I think the Corriente calves have the nicest eyelashes.  Mascara commercial quality  (clapping)
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    Before Beefpacas there were

    I think it's that same "wild type" allele we were talking about with someone else's calf.  Pops up here and there (and kinda ugly in my opinion unfortunately). From Sheila Schmutz's page: "However E+ appears to act as a "neutral" allele in most breeds and we think ED /E+ cattle are typically...
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    Haha....I don't think I've ever heard anyone saying anything about a bull passing on eyes.
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    What type of heat Detection method do you use?

    Well since we don't AI, it's really easy because the bull sure likes the job of heat detection ;)  We still try to watch so we know calving dates, but at least if we miss they don't miss being bred.  Those calendars with the dates on are great.  I think the ones we got came from ABS.  Might be...
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    Before Beefpacas there were

    DL wins for her correct answer of Yak....can't say I know what breed it was crossed with though I don't think it was Jersey.  This is the link that I got the picture from Can you believe that my Dad actually considered letting me try this in high school...
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    PHA hot off the presses!

    I think DL just did a great description of the two defects in another thread, so definitely read that.  Basically, TH is a problem in the Shorthorn breed, and PHA in the Maine Anjou breed.  But because these breeds have used each other's genetics quite a bit in their appendix animal and such...