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  1. D

    Red Angus bull "Buf Crk The Right Kind U199

    They dispersed the cow herd in 2010 - the 2009 bulls sold in Feb 2011 and the 2010 bulls Dec of 2011. The bull is owned by Buffalo Creek (they no longer have cows but have a semen inventory), 5L, Loosli and Westphal - he has 757 progeny in 127 groups - I am not sure there is anything wrong...
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    What should I have in my Cattle First Aid kit?

    No Sandy I don't think you are some kind of an idiot but the first person I would contact for suggestions about using drugs for your cattle would be your veterinarian - she would know what kind of cattle you have, what kind of biosecurity your farm has, what the risks are in terms of disease and...
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    What should I have in my Cattle First Aid kit?

    Actually Ryan - you are wrong - the label - is designed to protect human health - both from violative residues and antibiotic resistance - whether or not it does is not the issue - drug use in cattle used to be a free for all - anything you want you got and used - but things are changing. You...
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    What should I have in my Cattle First Aid kit?

    Take it any way you want to, but by asking the question and listing your drugs on hand it is clear that you don't know about ELDU and AMDUCA - if you chat with your vet first before administering drugs perhaps you should chat with your vet about what you should have in your first aid kit. I...
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    What should I have in my Cattle First Aid kit?

    Cattle, unlike horses in the US, are considered food animals and as food animals the use of drugs is regulated by the USDA. Therefore although you may have all these drugs for your horses, if none of the prescription drugs are labeled by your veterinarian for cattle - their use in cattle is...
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    Potential Heifer Buy. Thoughts?

    I have bought heifers without seeing them BUT that was because a friend who knew what I wanted (and what I wanted to spend, and which lots I was interested in) was at the sale and saw the cattle. I would not buy based on an online picture Re this heifer - I could be totally wrong but there is...
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    Showing a Steer with Frozen Ears

    I don't know where you are, where the steer is or how old the steer is but when a steer loses both his ears and tail to frostbite one other consideration is his feet/legs - it is my understanding that at many sale barns calves with frozen ears and tails are seriously docked bc of potential other...
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    Ulcer fix

    Please do not shoot the messanger GastroGard (Omeprazole) is a prescription drug not approved for use in cattle. As such it is basically illegal to use unless you follow ELDU and AMDUCA. Belief that your steer has an ulcer is not a diagnosis which (among other things) is required for ELDU...
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    Low BW Angus bull to use on a Clubby Heifer

    662722 picture this is also an interesting article on proven (high accuracy) calving ease sires with a multi breed list
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    Low BW Angus bull to use on a Clubby Heifer

    If you want a live calf and a live uncrippled heifer I would suggest that you focus on high accuracy CALVING EASE (CE) bulls - it is not the birth weight so much as the shape of the calf that is important - especially with clubby females who provide about 50% of the genetics of the calf - an 80...
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    Help understanding catalogs? TH Free by pedigree?

    Yup if we eliminate the human the test is about as close to 100% accurate as you can get. I find it interesting that Improver is implicated in DS as well as TH
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    Help understanding catalogs? TH Free by pedigree?

    JIT was this bull an Improver or Outcast mutation carrier? I remember at some time only the Improver deletion was routinely tested - did they tell you what the problem/issue was to incorrectly identify the status? ie clerical error, sampling error, etc
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    Help understanding catalogs? TH Free by pedigree?

    My understanding of "TH free by pedigree" is that it refers to a specific animal and EITHER refers to an individual (1) any if animal in the "close up" (defined differently by different breeds for different defects) is a carrier the animal between the THC and the individual is tested free OR (2)...
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    Really? You (generic) sell a bull based on his genetic merit - you expect to get (much) more that price by the pound because of genetic merit and you think spending 45 bucks to test for AM, NH and CA is less than the value of a dead calf and perhaps depending on the defect a dead or crippled...
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    YUP and amen - seems to me that back in 2006 when TH and PHA reared their ugly heads some of us made some noise about just this thing, and we continued to make noise with AM, NH, OS, MA, IE etc etc  - people don't know, they don't understand and the seed stock producers are dumping carriers on...
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    Yes, I am aware of withdrawal times for these medications and have read the labels and am familiar with the prescribed medication. Was just trying to get clarification on when administered how it effects joints/muscles.... Thank you though. If that is the case then you are aware that using...
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    at the end of the rope

    You are welcome  ;)
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    Both BoSe and MuSe are prescription medications - so what does your prescribing veterinarian say? Have you read the label? Do you know the slaughter withhold?
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    looking for semen on this ancient Angus bull (1962 model) CAMILLA CHANCE 37T  5475692 for research purposes - if you have some you are willing to part with or can give me a lead please contact me - research never stops - always need samples - thanks in advance - LOOKING FOR IT SOONER THAN LATER...
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    Good evening all - looking for semen on this ancient Angus bull (1962 model) CAMILLA CHANCE 37T  5475692 for research purposes - if you have some you are willing to part with or can give me a lead please contact me - research never stops - always need samples - thanks in advance