I assumed they have 1 steer and 1 heifer based off of her recent post. The most important thing to have is a thermometer, if you have a calf that is off and you call the vet the first thing they are going to ask is do it have a temp. I have found with most livestock if it is easy to get their temp chances are they need medical attention, especially hogs, cant get near a healthy hog long enough to get a temp. More than what you have is knowing the animal, recognizing that there is something different or wrong, my kids fed but I always went up and checked on the animals, catching something early and taking care of it or monitoring it to make sure it does not escalate is key.
When I was in high school I had a Quarter mare she was about 10 years old, I always fed in the morning prior to school, on this one day I was running late so I asked my younger brother to feed, how hard is it to give 5 horses a flake of hay each. When I got home from school, they had just rushed the mare to the vet hospital, she did not make it out of surgery, she had developed stones it had blocked her intestine. My brother then told us that that morning she did not come to eat, had I fed I would have know she was off, not his fault it was mine.
The things I posted prior where the things we used most with the show calves, and hogs. It will deal with ring worm, foot rot, scrapes, cuts and and minor stuff, for bigger issues I call the vet.
I have called him with an issue and if not life threatening I can tell him the symptoms and answer his questions and he will have me pick up the medication he thinks best for the situation, if any.
Everytime so far, we have been right on with diagnosis and treatment. He charges me at cost for the medication and I pay no visit fees.
I used to keep all kinds of medication on hand, seems like everytime I needed it is was past expiration date, plus the wife did not like it next to the butter in the fridge. I keep the La200 on hand and banimine paste, like X-bar it has come in handy in an emergency. Sons ewe went down and looked near death, hit her with banamine and up next day like nothing ever happened. I was figuring I would be digging a hole that morning.