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  1. D

    at the end of the rope

    This is from an earlier post - actually March 2012 - it explains what ELDU and AMDUCA mean and why -  you can search SP and find others on the topic of ELDU and AMDUCA - if you (generic) raise animals for food you  (generic) really need to be aware of the laws regarding the use of drugs in these...
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    at the end of the rope

    You bought a mean calf that was drugged (apparently) when you bought him. He tried to kill you. You drugged him, unsuccessfully, you tied him to a tractor then tied him to a post and he was still dangerous and mean so you locked him in a trailer for 4 months - nine months total of questional...
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    at the end of the rope

    You say you breed for production . As a producer of beef you should be aware of the laws regarding ELDU (extra label drug use) and AMDUCA - if you don't shame on you - the laws are the same no matter if the bovine is a show animal, a cow or a feedlot steer The use of thorazine in cattle is...
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    Question, 4 days past due with twins (updated: Pic )

    It is unusual for twins to go late (as mentioned) it is also less common for them to be both in the normal head first position - ie usually one is head first and the other rear legs first - with the scenario you present  I would be worried that perhaps you have co joined twins (ie they are stuck...
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    determining whether a heifer is a freemartin

    Perhaps I should have been clearer when I said The blood test will only tell you if there are male cells* (* ie Y chromosome) or DNA present in the heifer and not if she has all her parts and pieces, so it is likely not worth the cost.[b/] what that means is that there was communication between...
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    Red Angus question

    yup BTDT I believe I am on to something! I know what I want (in terms of phenotype, temperament, structure, eye appeal etc) and I believe I know how to get it. I know what works in  my area and with my management and I steer clear of the "bull of the month"- getting here however was a "learning...
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    Red Angus question

    I am pretty carefull who I deal with when I add a bull to our listing. I deal with breeders that I know and trust. I have rejected bulls from some individuals that I don't trust simply for that reason. The premise that the breed was based on is good, it's the tainted information that has made...
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    Red Angus question

    Really? In what world is that? An who is doing the tweaking? I am with BTDT on this one - Just looking at a couple of Red Angus bulls I like on the RAAA web site - Buffalo Creek Hobo 1961 CE 12 with an accuracy of 96% in the top 8% for this trait - numbers from almost 4000 head from 1894...
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    Red Angus question

    Interesting comments RW esp when you are promoting a breed that believes in objective tests, performance measures, assessment of economically important traits, basically created WHR and has been very successful  “The policy of the (Red Angus) Association is to discourage the more artificial...
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    determining whether a heifer is a freemartin

    Actually wondered the same thing - I think it might be useful  when you ultrasounded at 30 days or so and found twins but the cow calved only one heifer calf - the test would tell you if there was mixing of blood between twins and if the other twin was a bull - otherwise it appears to be pretty...
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    Red Angus question

    The goal (IMHO) when breeding heifers is to get a live vigorous calf, a live heifers who does not suffer from calving paralysis, and a calf that grows good enough to be marketable. Breeding heifers is not the time to focus on "adding style", adding muscle", adding bone" etc but to use high...
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    determining whether a heifer is a freemartin

    The blood test will only tell you if there are male cells or DNA present in the heifer and not if she has all her parts and pieces, so it is likely not worth the cost. As s4c said 90% of the heifer to twins are freemartins - but if the vet checked her and said she might breed you might be in the...
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    Favorite bull to pretty up/extend a front end? / I80 calves (pictures)

    Calberta Black Impact (the bull formerly known as Booty Call)
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    Need help bad. clubby with pneumonia??

    ;) someday you will hold the needle - think how smart you will be then  (clapping)
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    Need help bad. clubby with pneumonia??

    I find it amazing that people continue to give drugs to cattle and they haven't the foggiest notion what they are doing or why - we are raising animals for food - you need to know what the condition you are treating, what the drug is and what it is suppose to do, how to give it (route), dose and...
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    Need help bad. clubby with pneumonia??

    Assuming that you gave the appropriate dose of drug in the appropriate manner the appropriate number of times you have treated this calf for pneumonia three different times and he has not responded - this suggests that you do not have the correct diagnosis and or that something else is going on...
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    Ohio Fall Showcase Sept 22 .

    Look for the funky  colored Gizmo heifers ;)
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    AI Suggestions For Moderate Shorthorn Plus??

    Thanks for the info and good luck with the rest of your heifers. Rackranch - from medium rares experience you can see the importance of accuracy of CE and BW EPDs especially when dealing with crossbred heifers. While there are no guarantees using bulls with high accuracy CE and BW EPDs stacks...
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    AI Suggestions For Moderate Shorthorn Plus??

    Was the sire of the dead calf an AI bull or a herd bull? What was the accuracy of his CE EPD?
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    AI Suggestions For Moderate Shorthorn Plus??

    Sorry about your calf but out of curiosity who was the bull and what is your heifer Fat Tony is not a heifer bull and his accuracy is low Every time you breed a bovine it is a gamble