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  1. J

    Thunderbolt 742

    I bought Thunderbolt from Mike Morris.  Mike called this Spring and wanted me to collect him.  I did.  His test came back while I was gone and he tested clean for TH and PHA.  I was sure he would because of his bloodlines.  Every bull that we use is clean. I also go some great news from my old...
  2. J


    I spent over a week in Guatemala on a medical mission tour.  I was the chaplain.  I prayed with all before surgery, visited them in recovery, prayed with them thanking the Lord for their successful surgery.  The 2 doctors did 53 surgeries in 4 days.  We went into the bush to visit people who...
  3. J

    Set of Twins with a PHA calf!

    My vet says there are too many PHA and TH calves being born to show people in our area.  He tells me every time I take cattle to him that he does not understand why others do not test.
  4. J

    Sunseeker heifers

    Yes, use the ice after the hard pull but inserting it into the cow. What I felt was the pelvis area is too small for a very large calf.  The biggest and best of the three heifers could not have had a Jersey or Longhorn calf.  I was able to get the two legs and there was not room for anything...
  5. J

    heat wave females

    I would use a half Jersey or half longhorn for the first calf.  Second calf Tyson or Lifeline.
  6. J


    We got a little cotton shower finally.  My wheat had turned blue and about two acres had turned brown due to lack of moisture.  I got 3.8 inches of real slow rain.  In Hardeman County where I have heifers and a bull on wheat I got 4.8 inches.  At Quanah some got 8 inches.  South of Vernon they...
  7. J

    Sunseeker heifers

    I was wondering if any of you have much experience with the size of the pelvis of Sunseeker heifers? Last Saturday, I had to pull two calves from Sunseeker heifers.  They were the largest calves I had ever pulled outside of Holstein calves.  I bent my high dollar puller pole and the handle and...
  8. J

    Long After Becoming Meat, Prized Steer is at the center of a Legal Beef

    I have a hard time understanding why someone has not been arrested.
  9. J

    Habanero vs. Irish Whiskey Your opinion

    In Texas, Habanero hands down.
  10. J

    Do not support the National 4-H

    Last night on RFD-TV Simon SEZ gave a very good program on what PETA and HSUS is doing to undermine ranching and farming. Why is it that we do not produce steel, batteries, and many other products in America today? It is the EPA who has been greatly affected by the Sierra club and other...
  11. J

    Do not support the National 4-H

    I hope each 4-H leader will make sure that the local groups are aware of this and let the National 4-H organization know that there is no place for HSUS in 4-H. To say that they have some good points about mistreatment of animals is like saying that some poison will not hurt you, after all it is...
  12. J

    Unfortunately Ivy League is a TH carrier

    I agree with you.  I think we get in a hurry to get a good one markedted.  I think the labs are too busy with lots of pressure to get it done.  I tell the guys that work for me to take as much time as in necessary because it only cost us money when we have to go back and re-do it.
  13. J

    Bulls To breed to

    Triple X and Tyson
  14. J

    Unfortunately Ivy League is a TH carrier

    I am so very sorry for those who own the bull.  Looks like they tried to do the right thing and someone dropped the ball.  I feel for those breeders who were trying to use a bull with free status, what a terrible surprise.  There are plenty of people who do not care but are looking for the...
  15. J

    Buck's Spring Sale

    I did not get a catalogue this year.  They have great cattle.
  16. J

    fullbood bulls for france

    I agree on the Maine colors too.  I like the bone, muscle and thickness of this bull.  What is his age?  Name?  Are you planning on using him?
  17. J

    Fort Worth Fullblood Maine Show

    I liked these cows too.  I loved the daughter and would like to have a dozen like her.  Good breeding Mike.
  18. J

    Bob Barker Donates $2.5 million to PETA?!?!

    Great points.  Baxter Black had an article on this last fall.  Wish I had kept it.
  19. J

    Creeping Calves

    Because of troubles with birds I like to use a pellet feed.  12-14% with corn in it.  I really like to use a dairy cow ration but due to the birds cannot.  I am going to start using a formula by "Livestock Nutrition Center" in Oklahoma next week.  It looks good and smells good.  It has cotton...