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  1. JbarL


    knabestradamous....  8)
  2. JbarL


    is that the law that the abortion doctor/staff killers and clinic bombers go by??....your wasting your intelligence on a done deal...get over it...jbarl
  3. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    most of us waited 8 years while cheny/bush were in office  ( especially the 6 yrs they had majority)    to see the gop machine in action on immigration ( illegal)...nothing..nada...??    now the "timing" seems a little off for them ( elections and all this fall) so once again they sit on the...
  4. JbarL


    people dont have to work in the coal mines....they could eaisly let  immigrants do it...harvesting cabbage and vegtables, now theres a real scary job.....but the fields are full of immigrants.....some states give all there work away..some dont.... an aborted fetus has no choice because the law...
  5. JbarL


    cause its all about money...if they wont pay for saftey devices...whats makes youi think the cost of a second drill will be any different?? its not about enviroment/jobs/or the economy....its all about profits for the sharehholders.( good ole fashion capitalism at its finest... it...
  6. JbarL


    deregulated  business is obviously evil ( energy/banking/pharmacutical)...mine explosions/oil rigs burning/ cranes falling down in down town cities/ bridges and levies falling apart/millions of gallons of oil in the gulf...self policing doenst yoiu wnat the owners of the companies (...
  7. JbarL


    bieng in the womb of a conservative doesnt mean you'll own a coal mine either.........jbarl
  8. JbarL


    didnt bush/cheny have house/senate majority for 6 yrs??......jbarl
  9. JbarL


    how do you do a trick play wihen the other team has no coach/quarterback/kicker/ or safetys ....just cheerleaders??  this games been over since the tea party split the republicans for immigration is on the table and the gops are split even more than ever....and thats supposed to be...
  10. JbarL


    that pretty well sums it you now it was cheny's halburton company that installed and manufactured the "required"  saftey valves... and the recommended safety steps and epuipment that were recommended during the bush years were deemed to expensive for the oil companies and hence now the...
  11. JbarL


    coal mining isnt anymore dangerous than any energy profession...gas/oil/coal/electircity...... the difference seems to be unions.....non union mines are just as dangerous as non union gas and oil refineries....things yoiu get used to , working for a company in a a "right to die" state....jbarl
  12. JbarL


    and a big thanks to the right wing deregulation machine for making it all possible....and making our coal mines ( non union) so safe....and the deregulation that lead to the oil spill that just ruined the gulf of mexico...history seems to be telling us that unregulated capitalist practices of...
  13. JbarL

    Immigration law!!!

    your right ..."they"  ( bush/cheny yrs) ...stole 27 trillion, and at the same time not only didnt they  try to stop illegal immigration..( with a majority in the house and senate)...they actually tried to "organize" and save them as a needed work force in amercia.....your national sovereignty...
  14. JbarL

    Immigration law!!!

    like all the folks that have already left this country  ( amercian workers) hasnt been that long go we had so much work that "amercians wouldnt do".....some republicians actually wanted to " organize" them into illegal card carring "repolacement worrkers" for the jobs amercians wont...
  15. JbarL

    Immigration law!!!

    its nice to see labor get the benifits from a little republican backbone...keep it up in about 5 more states and maybe it will be labor nation again soon... "amercian jobs"...( they ones bush said amercians wont do ) going to be the new republican chant now....and its about time ....jbarl
  16. JbarL

    Immigration law!!!

    once again this seems to boil down to labor...employers "are" now going to really be held accountable in arizona, and the employees are going to have to carry a valid "card"....and citzens now have a direct "local" enforcement tool....its now the the job of local police and sheriffs to " arrest"...
  17. JbarL

    Immigration law!!!

    could the next govenor of arizonia be brown ??....or the next senators and congressmen of arizona ? ...the spanish spealking vote is  literally running charlie crist out of florida and maybe completely out of politics....sooner or later the majority of represenitives in dc will actrually...
  18. JbarL

    TXshowlamb needs our prayers

    get well soon kiddo....jbarl
  19. JbarL

    What bulls are you using this season?

    point taken ( 3/4 maine ) uncle kracker ( 3 angus ) nutt n butt business ( 3 angus) mommas boy  ( angus heifer) * northern improvement  ( star power x  maine/ angus heifer )* clean up with our  rockin d ambush/ lucy boy  herd bull.....jbarl
  20. JbarL


    get well soon hf...jbarl