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  1. C

    Help!!!! Newborn calf with white muscle disease!

    I would check on thiamine deficiencies. That's what the symptoms sound like to me. We see it in cattle sometimes especially if they are stressed. You can get injectable thiamine from your vet. This is also called polio. 
  2. C

    Please Delete!

    The dosage for LA200 is 4.5 ml per 100 lbs body weight. Unless your calf weighs 200 lbs., you need to increase your dosage. Talk to a vet. There are better drugs available than LA200.
  3. C

    Cattle don't

    Here in the Oklahoma panhandle we were 75 degrees Friday afternoon and my phone showed us at -9 this morning. Have sunshine and supposed to be back in the 50's by midweek.
  4. C

    Seven Ts John

    I think he was the bull that Joe Farris and Mike Stephens had that they bought on a cow at a sale at Vic Taylor's. He was by a bull Cagwin bought for Vic in Canada that he called Touch of Class. He was a Duke of Dublin x Maine deal. his mother was a Leggs daughter out of the old Bonnie's...
  5. C


    Didn't they used to call these cattle Amerifax?  They are Beef Friesen(Holstein ?) Angus crosses.
  6. C

    Show cattle health?

    I would say that heavy grain diets will definitely affect longevity.  My experience over the last 30-some years and trimming feet on a lot of cattle, the cattle that are fed hard will have more hoof problems than cattle that have not been pushed. Bad feet will make the useful life of cattle...
  7. C


    I always thought that those old dual purpose Milking Shorthorn cows were some of the best cows I ever owned. When we started with Shortorns in the mid-70's, there were several herds of this kind of cows in Kansas. They were ran as cow-calf type operations. They were bigger than the beef...
  8. C


    The first Shorthorn I bought in 1976 was a full sister to the Loewen's Defender June cow in Teri Star's pedigree. She was a red polled double registered heifer calf. I remember seeing her sister at Fieser's when we looked at the heifers. She was never as big as the grand dam of Teri Star, but...
  9. C

    Older Fluff'r Blower

    Most of the metal case blowers use the same motors. They mount inside the case with a piece of weather strip around the motor between it and the case. It needs to seal there or the air is pulled around the motor instead of thru it, reducing the amount of air the blower puts out.  Motor failure...
  10. C

    Aggressive bull calf please help!

    If he is aggressive enough to hunt you, Do yourself and anyone you might sell him to a favor and castrate him and eliminate the possibility of propagating his genetics. Disposition is heritable and you will be better off not selling him to someone as a breeding bull. I have seen breeds and...
  11. C

    Fort Worth show

    Sullivan supply's Pulse website has been putting up pics of division and grand champs
  12. C

    Very Frustrated

    Welcome to technology and progress. I remember when we first started with Shorthorns in the mid-70's and the pedigrees were hand typed by a couple ladies at the office And it took a week to ten days to get them back. When they upgraded to computers, it took at least a month and then you usually...
  13. C

    Picture Pen

    No corners. Make it in a round shape. Some of the better ones I've used were mad out of T-post and wire panels.
  14. C

    Herbourne and the dam of the dam of Sutherland Titleist

    Sorry to hear about the flooding. They started in forecasting 18-24 inches of snow for us. Glad we didn't get much. We had 3 days of 30-40 mph winds that was miserable enough without a bunch of snow.
  15. C

    Herbourne and the dam of the dam of Sutherland Titleist

    Will,  are you getting flooded?  Seen eastern Oklahoma had lots of rain. We missed most of it out in the panhandle. Only got maybe an inch of fluffy dry snow.
  16. C

    Herbourne and the dam of the dam of Sutherland Titleist

    Vic Taylor did own Herboure Buster and used him as a herd sire. Jack Bedwell at Okeene, OK had some daughters of Buster that were the grand dams of some of the heifers they showed in the 80's that won a lot including JB Donna's Bunnie that was grand at the Jr Nationals in the Early 80's.
  17. C

    Herbourne and the dam of the dam of Sutherland Titleist

    Another side note on Vic Taylor. Vic got part of one of the shipments of Irish Shorthorns. He sold most of the cowherd to Merl Welch of Greenridge Shorthorns in Missouri and built back again. He produced a bull in the 1980's that was named 7T's Greg that he sold to Hoyt's and Granada in Denver...
  18. C

    Herbourne and the dam of the dam of Sutherland Titleist

    I can give you a little information on the 7T's cow in Titlist's pedigree.  Vic was located at Yukon, OK and raised some very good cattle at the time this cow was raised. Herbourne Buster was a bull he owned and used. The Maid of Promise cow family was a Haumont family. Clipper King of USA was...
  19. C


    Columbus was a Milking Shorthorn pedigree that was used on a lot of beef cows. There were several sons of his sire around in the 70's that were promoted and used in beef herds. Columbus and Clark were owned by Graham's in Minnesota. Thornwood Major was owned by Dick Braman in Michigan. Spiro was...
  20. C


    Peck's Big Red was bred by LLoyd Peck at Geary, OK. He raised dual type Shorthorns. There was a white heifer that was winning in the mid-west in the early 80's that he raised. I used to visit with him years ago. He also raised English Shepard dogs.