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  1. S

    Any Amen Calves on the Ground? I

    They posted it right below the quote you posted about. Pay attention for once (quite obvious you haven't paid any attention to any advice you have been given so far), it might get you somewhere.
  2. S

    Best Carrier Bull

    Personally, I wouldn't go with any advice you gave either judging by the rest of your posts.
  3. S


    6500 should do the job.
  4. S

    Need help with heifer breeding decision

    If I am not mistaken, they will be around 13% Chi, which is plenty for the new rule from the Chi association.
  5. S

    Breeding decisions finished (please comment)

    If you look back at responses from up to a year ago, you will see that his responses have mocked much of the advice he has been given. At some point it is past whether he is a junior or not
  6. S

    $600,000 world record Hereford

    Are you saying Sullivan is trying to buy credibility? If so, I could not disagree more. No matter what folks on this site may say, John Sullivan is an upstanding cattlemen who already has more credibility in the cattle world than alot who post these type comments on here. Just because you may...
  7. S

    Shorthorn experts I need your expert advice! Serious in-vitro flush decision!

    Depends on how much of a belly dragging cow you have. Unless she is super super soggy, not sure that AOD should be your 1st choice for what you are describing you want. He does a lot of good things, but adding guts typically isn't one of them. With that being said, Vogels have had a good bit of...
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    That post was referring to the age of his cow if I am not mistaken.
  9. S

    Monopoly vrs Monopoly clone

    Coming from someone who has asked more questions about more bulls in a matter of 2 days than has been asked in a year. Don't give out advice on something you obviously don't know about from your other posts.
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    Finishing Steer?

    Add some extra steam flaked corn to the ration. It won't hurt him if you are trying to get him fat.
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    New Bulls

    Rocky Balboa is not calving ease. Midnight Heat is a new bull that I doubt will be calving ease. For the 1st calf you will be miles ahead breeding them to a calving ease Angus bull.
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    Monopoly VS Walks Alone vs BIM

    Easiest thing would be to get out of the clubby business. Nobody has a for sure answer for these deals.
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    BIM VS Walks Alone

    Muddy, the red cow is a Heat Wave that hasn't been tested....
  14. S

    The Main Man

    What kind of cows were the calves out of? Did he take away guts or just not add?
  15. S

    Heifer with a blemish?

    Sounds like ringworm to me. Scrape it off and apply some fluid film so the spot. Make sure to keep it well moisturized as well.
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    Monopoly VS Walks Alone vs BIM

    Well don't use him them. One of highest selling calves this fall was out of Interstate, a bull that has not been pushed really hard or "proven" as you say, yet someone knew their cow, thought it would click, and wham bam shazam it worked (to the tune of $96,000 I might add). This business is...
  17. S

    BIM VS Walks Alone

    Go back and look at his answer to this same type of question from a few days ago.