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  1. Jive Turkey

    Wart inside the ear on a heifer

    Or get some Dr. Scholl's and freeze it off.
  2. Jive Turkey

    VCCP sale results

    Anyone have them?
  3. Jive Turkey

    The Name Game

    Black Canyon
  4. Jive Turkey

    Investment Question

    "Investment" and "show cattle" are two words that do not belong in the same sentence.
  5. Jive Turkey

    A couple cows

    Those are some major swamp donkeys! Impressive!
  6. Jive Turkey

    Dumb Questions

    Because it dries them out and doesn't allow the natural oils enough time to get back into the hair. A rice root on dry hair will accomplish the same result.
  7. Jive Turkey

    I officially call BS

    Gotcha! Thank you for the clarification.
  8. Jive Turkey

    I officially call BS

    The $55,000 yellow calf that is being shown by the Boersen's in Michigan is marketed as being sold by James Williams.  So did he buy it for $55,000 and then mark it up even more to the Boersen's?
  9. Jive Turkey

    80's clubbie bulls

    Showed a steer out of him, mean as hell.
  10. Jive Turkey

    Keeping calves healthy at shows

    Remember, the normal temperature for a bovine is 101.5 not 98.6.
  11. Jive Turkey

    Dying My Steer

    Why purchase the calf if you didn't like his markings?
  12. Jive Turkey

    Heifers selling and retaining 1/2 embryo interest ?

    Totally agree. If you want to sell her, sell her, if you want to keep her, keep her. It's the same as a trader keeping the best calves for himself and selling you what's left. If you think she will be good, keep the embryos yourself and sell them later.
  13. Jive Turkey

    Best shorthorn bull of all time

    Obviously you aren't very old.  He's responsible for effed up genetic traits than almost any bull in recent memory.