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  1. oakbar

    Decenber weigh-in weight for steer...

    Most judges like to see their top steers in the 1300-1350 range.    We had several calves at our weigh-in yesterday that were from 800-900 pounds already for a June fair.   Many of these could be carrying too much weight by then if they grow normally.   185 days at 3# per day would put them in...
  2. oakbar

    Market steer question-weighted

    if you figure 210 days approximately to show day and the calf gains 3.25-3.5 lbs/day you shoudl end up with a calf in the 1275 to 1325 lb. range.  Sounds pretty good to me.  Once you have him comfortably on full feed, I'd feed him 2.5-3.0% of his body weight each day and watch him grow. ...
  3. oakbar

    where all is everyone from

    North central Iowa----near the Diamond Jo Casino!!
  4. oakbar


    Happy Birthday, Cowboy!!  Don't worry, its about time you caught up with me!!
  5. oakbar

    Shorty hf bulls

    Wow!!  Thanks for putting that list together, Jamie!!  I can see what I'll be doing on this icy, drizzly night.  I hope our internet connection holds on so I can do some further investigations on some of these bulls. Thanks again!!
  6. oakbar

    Vote against hsus....

    Hey Show Heifer---never hang your head for doing anything in opposition to HSUS. An operative from HSUS recently smuggled a camera inside a turkey hatchery and made a video about how turkey poults are mistreated, etc. and have released it conveniently just before Thanksgiving.    The company...
  7. oakbar

    North American Shorthorn Heifer Calf Futurity Sale catalog

    Thanks, Lonnie!!  I didn't think I could go too wrong adding a Passion X AOD and a Revival/Sonny X Tuscaloosa at the price.  They should fit into where we want to head with our program. I agree with your assessment of the fall sales!!  As I said, I think many of the heifers in the Futurity...
  8. oakbar

    North American Shorthorn Heifer Calf Futurity Sale catalog

    I wasn't really there to buy heifers but I thought there were several that  sold significantly under what they might have in the breeder's  private sales-- perhaps even the top selling animals in the sale.  I  bid on some of the more expensive heifers but I felt they passed the level they were...
  9. oakbar

    NAILE who all is going ?

    Party at Stumpy's!!!!  Ha, Ha!!
  10. oakbar

    Guaranteeing Cattle to win really?????????

    Hopefully, the seller is inexperienced and wasn't serious in what he was saying or I'm sure he'll not be selling calves very long.      Every seller is going to point out the good points of his cattle--some of us even discuss the points of concern--but to guarantee a win is absolutely idiotic...
  11. oakbar

    Oh nancy, where art thou? (NC related)

    More famous quotes from Nancy--- "I have no regrets"  and "We weren't anticipating losing"---obviously in touch with mainstream America!! JMHO
  12. oakbar

    Oh nancy, where art thou? (NC related)

    Maybe the "Annointed One" and Moochelle will take her along to the Taj Mahal and a tour of several Muslim countries so they can experience Sharia law first hand.  I hear he's leaving with a huge entourage on a very expensive trip.  Apparently, he thought the message the voters were sending him...
  13. oakbar

    He needs a name...plez help!!

    Call him "Neuter" or" Mr Fixed"
  14. oakbar

    Sunrise at Sugar Creek Farms

    Beautiful pic, Chap!!  My favorite time of day-- when all things are possible.  Kind of makes it feel like its just you and the Lord and he's telling you its going to be a good day! Thanks for sharing your "Sugar Creek morning"!!
  15. oakbar

    Worth County Cattleman's Sale

    I am no longer part of the managment of this sale.  However, I know nothing has been posted on the Cattlemen's website yet. 
  16. oakbar

    NAILE who all is going ?

    I'll be coming in Sat. evening for the Shorthorn embryo auction and be there Sunday and Monday for the Futurity and the show!!  Hope to see many of you there!!
  17. oakbar

    Fall visitors to Oakbar

    Spoken like a true, experienced cattleman!!  I didn't know that you knew by in-laws, though!!  Ha, Ha!!
  18. oakbar

    Ultrasound Carcass Contests

    KNABE,  I wouldn't want to say that ultrasound results are consistently high or low versus measurements taken on actual carcasses.    I just think we need to be aware that there is a much greater possibility for error. We use ultrasound measurements for our carcass contest and I really have...
  19. oakbar

    Ultrasound Carcass Contests

    We use ultrasound carcass information for our local show, although we know there are sometimes discrepancies between ultrasound and "real" carcass measurements.  For example:  we gathered ultrasound data on a steer on June 24th at our local fair and then sent him to a terminal show on August...
  20. oakbar

    Fall visitors to Oakbar

    We have some very graceful looking visitors at Oakbar.    They must be resting and feeding before they head further south.  We watched them all day yesterday and were surprised to see them on the pond again this morning.