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  1. oakbar

    Looking for ideas--educational activities for beef kids??

    We're actually doing this in conjunction with the local and area 4-H folks--my wife is our county youth coordinator.    We've held these events before but I was looking for some new ideas.  I appreciate everyone's help!!
  2. oakbar

    Looking for ideas--educational activities for beef kids??

    Thanks, Lightnin, I appreciate the ideas!!
  3. oakbar

    My hats off too my students

    Good job, CoachMac!!        You can usually tell the quality of the teacher by how much credit they give their kids and how much they let the kids participate in the teaching.  Sounds like you have a great program going!!   
  4. oakbar

    Looking for ideas--educational activities for beef kids??

    We will be hosting an area Beef Team Event at our farm next week so I'm asking for ideas.  I need some suggestions for fun, educational activities that would be suitable for kids from 10-18 years of age.    We  have already planned a session on comparisons of carcass results from our local...
  5. oakbar

    3 great sales in Iowa this weekend

    Just a follow up thought.    In my opinion, the roan coloring is a much larger problem for the Shorthorns than either calving ease or growth.   If the breed was all red I don't think the other perceptions would persist as much as  they do and the breed would be used more routinely in...
  6. oakbar

    3 great sales in Iowa this weekend

    Grain is not cheap anywhere but we don't have any grass finished cattle in our area.  Just proves the point made countless times on SP--you need to pick the genetics that work for your needs and your environment.  Hopefully, without propagating  negative perceptions about other breeders...
  7. oakbar

    3 great sales in Iowa this weekend

    I think you might be surprised how many people would want the steers and bulls from the Sullivan genetics.    Our "showring" bloodlines--including the Trump bred cattle--grow very well and hang a very good carcass.  We don't have any Trump on Trump calves, but our Sonny's, etc. grow very well. ...
  8. oakbar

    3 great sales in Iowa this weekend

    Congratulations to the CYT, Studer/Berg, and Sullivan folks on your very successful sales this weekend!!!  Well done!! The only complaint I have is that John Hagie outbid me on every darn one of the embryo lots I wanted at Studers and Sullivans!!  Oh well, I guess John and I will just have to...
  9. oakbar

    Shorty hf bulls

    IMHO we have now become exactly what the other sites were before SP---mostly a bunch of anonymous bitchers and whiners.    For those of you who know me, you know I used to be a lot more involved in posting on SP.  I don't, probably  won't, do it much anymore because of the lack of respect many...
  10. oakbar

    3 great sales in Iowa this weekend

    Hagie's offering is very, very deep.    A lot of excellent heifers.  I particularly like  1a, 12, 3b, 7a & 7b.  I think its very hard to pick between these animals.  Very well presented as always!!
  11. oakbar

    Shorty hf bulls

    You never know--there might even be a few "real world" shorthorns sold in Iowa this weekend.  In order to find them you might have to have more of an open mind than many who have posted on this thread, however. JMHO
  12. oakbar

    3 great sales in Iowa this weekend

    Sue--I'll be looking at the entire 4 lot very closely.  Mona Lisa 35L is probably my all time favorite cow in the breed. Shorty Gal--I haven't seen Hagie's cattle yet.  I've heard from very reliable sources, however, that it is an extremely deep set of females!! I'll be checking them out...
  13. oakbar

    Ceder Valley Shorthorn Sale

    Very nice heifer, Mitch!  I really liked her in Des Moines!!    Good luck with your sale!!
  14. oakbar

    3 great sales in Iowa this weekend

    There will be three great Shorthorn sales in Iowa this weekend.    Cyclone Trace on Friday evening, Studer/Berg on Saturday, and Sullivan's on Sunday.  Great cattle and great families!!  If you like Shorthorns, Iowa is the place to be this weeken--Hope to see you there!!
  15. oakbar

    Supreme Heifer

    Very good heifer and an absoulutely great family!!  Congratulations, Ben and Willy!!
  16. oakbar

    Shorthorn Pride Sale--did anyone attend?

    Did anyone attend the Shorthorn Pride Sale?  I'd like the results on a couple of animals.
  17. oakbar


    Send a pm to sigsigns(Chris Vogels handle on SP) and I'll bet she can help you out.
  18. oakbar

    Supreme Heifer

    Ben stopped by our house tonight and he mentioned that Wagonhammer Ranch has a good picture of his heifer on their website.
  19. oakbar

    Sun Country Shorthorn Female sale

    Hey JIT, Tell Chris she did a great job on your catalogue.  I  received mine today and it looks like you folks have a real deep lineup!!  There's several females on the sale that would look darn good walking around my pasture!!  It makes this Iowegian wish I could make it up there.     ...
  20. oakbar

    205 day wt.

    Glad you put the website on CAB!!  I weighed a couple of steers today--one was sold last week and I need to deliver him soon and  I'm trying to determine if I should sell as the other one as a bull.    The Shorthorn Plus steer I sold (Premium Blend X Trump/Lovely Lady 732) had a 205 day weight...