Looking for ideas--educational activities for beef kids??

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
We will be hosting an area Beef Team Event at our farm next week so I'm asking for ideas.  I need some suggestions for fun, educational activities that would be suitable for kids from 10-18 years of age.    We  have already planned a session on comparisons of carcass results from our local fair, area shows, and the last 26 years of Iowa State Fair champions.    We will also have a nature hike and bonfire, and a couple of "cow family" demonstrations, but I could use a couple more activity ideas.  I thought many of my friends on SP have probably been involved in events like this and might have some ideas I haven't thought of.  I'd appreciate your input!!

Oh, we also plan to show the Temple Grandin movie if some of the kids want to stay a little later into the evening.


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2010
West Tennessee
When I was in college, I was chairman of our Beef Camp committee and we had to come up with some "leisure time" activities.  A popular one was the "barnyard olympics".  We held this on the first night of the camp as sort of a get to know each other activity.  The camp committee divided everyone into groups of 3 (one from each age division) so that people didn't buddy up and leave anyone out.  It was just a race (2 teams at a time) and the fastest time won.  There were different stations/obstacles like hay stacking, filling a water tub, show stick (bat) spin, 4-legged race, etc. (things farm related that they had to do as a team).  Not really educational, but a fun, team-building activity.

Scavenger Hunt.

I'll try to remember others...it's been a few years! ;D


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
We had a "child size" poster the kids made of the beef animal, labeled the cuts on the poster, then laminated it and cut it into the parts. There were several, and the groups had a contest on who could "put the cow back together" first won a prize. It was like a jigsaw puzzle that could be used over and over again.
We also did a lesson one time on feed stuff. We had bowls of different types of feed ingredients common to the area and had the kids identify it. Then we went over each item and explained why it was used in the ration (from mineral to beet pulp to molasses - and of course the grains). That was always a good one because the kids needed to know that for Nationals. Oh, and the different types of hay - ID them (alfalfa, wheat hay, oat hay, timothy, sudan, and others).

I will try to think of others...


Well-known member
May 18, 2009
SW Missouri
Please teach them how to tie up a an animal properly!  Seems to be overlooked a lot.  Put roping dummy steers in bales of hay and have them put on the halters and tie them to a pipe fence.  Show what happens if the wrong knot is used.... There are a lot of things you could do actually.  If you have a very good 4-H program or FFA you could get some help from them as well.  Possibly even the university extension service, if there is one local.  Have fun with it.  Let them make their own ID tag to take home (cow ear tag) .... really neat what you are doing!  Keep it up! 


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
We're actually doing this in conjunction with the local and area 4-H folks--my wife is our county youth coordinator.    We've held these events before but I was looking for some new ideas.  I appreciate everyone's help!!


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Southeast Ohio
roping a 5 gallon bucket or if you can get a steer or calf head for a square bale... Kids will spend hours doing that!!!  its a good skill to have!



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
At one of our junior shows they divided the members into groups with some of every age represented. Then they were asked beef cattle related questions. The team answering the questions right first got the points for that question. The team with the most points at the end got some sort of prize/reward.