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  1. C

    New Breed

    Again, XBAR, where do you come up with your FALSE information, or is this just your delusional thoughts.
  2. C

    New Breed

    XBAR, exactly where do you get your false information?
  3. C

    New Breed

    It could be done,  here is a link that gives some details A beginners guide to inbreeding and line breeding What are inbreeding and line breeding, and what effect do they have? In genetic terminology, inbreeding is the mating of two animals who are related to each other. In its opposite, out...
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    New Breed

    As a registry for Composites - Composite Beef Cattle Registry and Composite Dairy Cattle Registry, we feel that we need to clarify a couple of points here. On our "Hybrid" Advantage page
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    New Breed

    Back when the King Ranch developed the Santa Gertrudis, they used Red Shorthorn.  The resulting animals had to be inspected and if they passed they were branded with a Lazy "S' on their side, if I remember correctly. So if you wanted the animals to be "Red" then maybe all the white that would...
  6. C

    New Breed

    As a registry, this is one of the things that we have argued all along.  Composites need to have set breed percentages.  If you look at the success of the Sata Gertrudis 5/8 Red Shorthorn x 3/8 Brahman, the Brangus again, 5/8 Angus x 3/8 Brahman. If a composite breed is stabalized at the...
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    Contagious horse and cattle virus detected in Utah

    A highly contagious livestock virus that causes lesions on horses and cattle has been detected in Utah, the Utah State Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) announced Tuesday. Tests conducted by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa, have confirmed the finding of...
  8. C

    Any program developers out there? Any heating detection apps you like?

    Our program/system has lots of built in standardizations, safeguards, protocols and validations. It has all of this while being easy to use with access to information that is quick and easy to get to. With the very,very few that have seen our features, screens, etc. everyone likes what they have...
  9. C

    Any program developers out there? Any heating detection apps you like?

    We have been working on a system that does this and soooooo much more.  Also trying to have it to where info could be accessed and input from a smart phone. We have pretty much design along with the screen layouts done. It may be a very complex system, but the most important thing is, it will...
  10. C

    AI question

    I agree with CAB.  But sometime if you have a problem breeder we have even used 3 units of semen.  Bred the cow when she first came into heat, 12 hours later and then another 12 hours. Had a cow one time for a dairyman we discovered needed to breed at almost 36 hours to get her bred.
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    Calf born with heart in its throat

    link to story and picture:
  12. C

    TH/PHA testing

    Ingenity / Geneseek can also do the TH/PHA Testing. Here is a link their order form and pricing:
  13. C

    can't register calves

    Also noticed on the bulls in the sale out of this cow, they were born the end of March and first part of April 2014 and are showing ASA Registration pending.  In looking at the other bulls in the sale born around the same time, thay all have registration numbers.
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    can't register calves

    If you go to the ASA website and look up the cow, she has no progeny (males or females) in her report at all.  Many time commercial bull buyers don't mess with getting or requesting the papers.  On the link you provided it dows say that ASA registration is pending.
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    can't register calves

    This is a situation where cattle such as these can be registered with the Composite Beef Cattle Registry. The Composite Beef Cattle Registry is open to all cattle producers that have a need for registering their animals to identify, track, document and maintain the...
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    An article came out today on the Drovers Cattle Network titled "Marbling research shows healthy fat in beef has benefits", What was discovered is that cattle that marbled higher had increased Lipid...
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    Tagging With New Traceability Protocol

    Link to an update on ADT as posted on Cattle Network
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    Accelerated Genetics Troubles

    I agree with BTDT.  is a good company and many they have better pricing.
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    Tagging With New Traceability Protocol

    If you go to the following link it will take you to the USDA Animal Disease Traceability website
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    We are changing our herd away from Shorthorn

    If you look at the English Breed Registries, Angus is black, Hereford is red white face, Red Poll is red, Red Angus is red, and the Shorthorn is red, white or roan.  It should NEVER be allowed for any of these breeds except the Angus to be black. All of the Continental breeds that came in...