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    funky stitches

    is Funky Stitches still in business? I need some more hats done! Thanks
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    jpj dead

    Nooo not a fad.. JPJ is a realization that the Trumps and a multitude of shorthorn show cattle genetics do not work and breeders are looking for a "popular" way to "fix " their problems... This is why we went with Gizmo genetics 15 yrs ago and have really never left it... that is how American...
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    Shorthorn Breeding

    You could not be any more incorrect if you tried. If you have a bull like Gizmo or Gizmos Image or American Muscle  or you have females that produce bulls like them you would see that it can be done.  They are not antagonistic they are just impossible to accomplish using 99% of the crappy...
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    Shorty hf bulls

    That pedigree is packed with GIANT birth weight!!!!!! I tried it long ago!!!! one of the worst breeding decisions I ever made!  luckily it only took one calf crop and one trip to the stock yard to fix that problem!
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    NAILE Open Shorthorn Show - a couple interesting facts.

    The sad thing is when it comes to the shorthorn breed is that the whole "fix" is soooooo simple.. Having a breed or  type  of cattle that are strickly for show is just insane!! The steer deal is bad enough... Folks pure  bred cattle are not for show... We should show them to show them off and...
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    NAILE Open Shorthorn Show - a couple interesting facts.

    I watched several l classes online... IMO  the judge was the one of the worst I had ever seen.... he actually talked about about picking a white bull with a long neck and narrow front end.... and he actully mentioned hair on the mic!!! holy CRAP...  lots of hair on a bull is a negative trait...
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    Big Bellied, Maternal Angus Bulls

    not sure if you can get sexed semen but just about any Ohlde bull like Anchor or a Pharo bull like Magua would work for you no doubt!
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    implant ??? get steers a bit bigger

    OK let me rephrase this post If you implant your show steers which one do you use and why?  I stated what I needed so is there anything out there that will work?
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    SteerPlanet Private Treaty Sale

    sounds cool you run it!!!  i will be glad to consign some Semen on gizmo's image and american muscle...
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    implant ??? get steers a bit bigger

    OK for the last 3-4 yrs we have raised a nice steer to take to the Co fair... Only problem is that when they reach about 14 months old they flat stop growing! they are 1150 48-49 inches tall and grade high choice with 14 sq in loins in them.... All that is great in the real world but I need this...
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    Advice needed!!!

    Triticale and Turnips! lots of tonage!
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    livestock saying and quotes

    LOL consider the source!!!
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    Dead calves - need opinions on cause

    Check her pelvic area. I had a buddy that had a cow that did that and her pelvic area was small and it caused enough trauma to the calf at birth that the calf died.
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    red rock BW

    which red rock are you talking about?
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    TH Status.

    Honestly in a perfect world the only TH carriers being sold would be steers!  I think its customary to put the  TH status at the end of the written description.
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    shorthorn epds?

    I would not even look at EPD's especially for milk  Milk is a function of frame size. more milk = bigger cattle. Also if you are now dealing with cattle that are of some very old genetics or if they are linebred the EPS's generated are meaningless. Breed cattle that are good solid functional...
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    Selenium dosage for club calves?

    Selenium does alot of great and amazing things but it won't do that! 
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    Online Auctions Rigged?

    Taking your cattle to an auction barn does not qualify as people buying cattle!!! Those buyers buy cattle EVERYDAY!!!! People "buying" cattle means that you have 2 calls a week 3 trucks a month pull in and folks are looking at your stock in the fields just about every Saturday or Sunday...and...