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  1. S

    S&J CATTLE CO videos

    Sale is a week away!!!!!  hope to see ya .. if you make it in... introduce yourself and let me know you are on Steer Planet!!!
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    S&J CATTLE CO videos

    yes EST  LOL  are you coming?
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    S&J CATTLE CO videos

    Sept 18 1:00 pm!!!
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    Shorthorn Question

    I am sorry but the last thing we need to do is worry about solid red color.... the best ones are always roan!!! if people think uniformity/ quality  = solid color they should get out of the cattle business
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    S&J CATTLE CO videos

    send us a pm or email and we can send out a hard copy of the newest flier Thanks Scott
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    S&J CATTLE CO videos the photo tab... I'll send you one if you don't get one in the mail.... folks are getting them right now!! Not alot of pedigrees listed because they are just all about the same!!!!
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    S&J CATTLE CO videos

    90 minutes SE of columbus 8 miles west of Athens...
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    When to cut your bull calves?

    the callacrate bander is a very good investment!! 
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    S&J CATTLE CO videos

    hey guys put some videos up on youtube of some calves in the sale  search sjcattle or here are some links  Check them out.....  if you don't want to here me yammer on just mute it and enjoy!!!  (lol)
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    grass finished or corn

    I'll eat good grass fed beef anyday!!!!!
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    Improving culling skills

    research Linear measurment!  Honestly the best / most profitable thing you can do.  I have the tools and use them..... Trained my eye but also showed me that my eyes deceive me sometimes and also showed me what happens if you go against mother nature. PM me or email...
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    Blue Roan Bull Calf

    There you go..... now you need 100 more! More good shorthorn cross bred genetics!!!
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    bonding with new calves...?

    We have found the quicker you can get them washed, combed, blowned out and clipped the better off you are!  it seems like when that is done they are well on their way to being broke!
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    Shorty hf bulls

    I know I don't have that much time!!!
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    Shorty hf bulls

    LOL  well I am not arguing with you at all... and I am not telling everyone to go out and do it but if folks are raising cattle in a similar way as I am all i am saying is maybe you ought to go OLD SCHOOL and try it this way!  maybe you will make some money. Now  If I was located in SK Canada...
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    Is there something other than sullivans?!

    for chutes and fan cages  I buy from  All Aluminum!!! his stuff is great!
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    Shorty hf bulls

    Lets not confuse lower performance for lower profitability!!!!!!!why raise 600 lb calves when buyers want 500!  Top calf prices are 500 to 550  so why raise over that....and  as a purebred breeder why would you try to raise cattle that performed to a certian degree but  were not profitable...
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    Shorty hf bulls

    All I am going to say is that AM is a calving ease bull here at my place!!!....I am sure there are a hand full of 100#ers out there and someone is pissed but They have a cow that goes back to Dreamboat or Rodeo Drive and they fed 12 lbs of grain right up to the hour before the cow calved and its...
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    Shorty hf bulls

    guys To get truely calving ease bulls that have at least some consistancy they MUST possess certian qualities! They must be at least 3 generations linebred and selected for traits that lend themselves to CE. Crossbred cattle should not be linebred! its a waste of time. CE bulls should be...