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Are these Shorthorn bulls considered heifer bulls.
Is that kind of like David Ragsdale's "Fire and Ice" theory?OLD WORLD SHORTIE said:Show cattle are a niche market, people line breed to obtain a certain amount of uniformity in their cattle. Allthough the bulls you mentioned are great bulls in their own right, their calves have just not been able to compete with the Trump bred cattle in the jr heifer and open female shows across the country. Even though they probly produce the better cattle, just not the flashy All Americans in the shorthorn breed.
Im not even gonna mention shorthorn steers at shows, because most of them are not actual shorthorns. But if you use these bulls you will get a lot better steer calves, then if you were to line breed with Trump cattle.
I like the fact that these bulls are getting the noteriaty they deserve, i just dont like them as my main AI bull, i would like to have a son to use as my low Bw heifer bull/clean up bull but i am still going to stick with a Trump bred bull for my AI work.
aj said:Are these Shorthorn bulls considered heifer bulls? 7026,Mission,JPJ, and Captain Obvious. In alot of ways these bulls seem to exude commercial acceptance in type. Where do you get Mission and 7026 semen? I don't know how these genetics would combine but if a breeder locked onto these bloodlines would they not be on a goldmine?
SURELY YOU JEST O0linnettejane said:are there that many trump or bloodstone lined steers out there being shown and winning?
sjcattleco said:guys
To get truely calving ease bulls that have at least some consistancy they MUST possess certian qualities!
They must be at least 3 generations linebred and selected for traits that lend themselves to CE. Crossbred cattle should not be linebred! its a waste of time.
CE bulls should be way under breed average for frame score. for shorthorns I think the bull should be under frame 5!
Calving Ease bulls MUST be masculine!!! long necked steery lookig bulls with average masculinity will not work for CE..They will produce some neat steers but not bulls! and not small babies!!!
sjcattleco said:All I am going to say is that AM is a calving ease bull here at my place!!!....I am sure there are a hand full of 100#ers out there and someone is pissed but They have a cow that goes back to Dreamboat or Rodeo Drive and they fed 12 lbs of grain right up to the hour before the cow calved and its the bulls fault for the big calf! This year I used AM on a big group of cows and I used a 3/4 brother that is even smaller framed and solid red on my bunch of heifers... Pretty much out of necessity.... Our cow herd is all bred so close that we don't get too many surprises any more.. I have a couple of cows that ALWAYS have bigger calves.. over 90# no matter what!
Calving ease and management also go hand in hand.... Now that there are more people wanting to raise smaller framed cattle, they are not big enough to actually calve at 2 even if you feed them to the point of no profitability let alone losing money... If you want to calve these 5 ish frame 2 yr olds lowlines are the route to go.... All the universities forget how things were done before 1982 and before all the frame 6-8 cattle arrived and when corn was .99 cents a bushel!
After crunching the numbers... calving at 3 is the most profitable for me! Heifers are mature.... They look like cows!!! They act like cows. They do not suck down to nothing!!! Their calves are not crap quality, They breed back much quicker, They are less stressed! I have lowered my costs by not buying feed for them in the winter! I get huge compensatory gains in the spring when grass hits!!!
sjcattleco said:Lets not confuse lower performance for lower profitability!!!!!!!why raise 600 lb calves when buyers want 500! Top calf prices are 500 to 550 so why raise over that....and as a purebred breeder why would you try to raise cattle that performed to a certian degree but were not profitable... performance does notalways equal profit.
here is a good example and it right on the money 99% of the time. A ranch will support 200000lbs of cows! do you run 200 1000lb cows or 160 1200lb cows!!! The answer is you run the 200 it will always make you more moeny!!!
I do not raise anything for feed except grass!!!!therefore I pay full retail for any feed that is put livestock around here. the last year I calved 2 yr olds I spent $5000 on feed and sodl the calves for $5000... performance yep... profitable...NOPE!!!! plus I had to do all the chores !!!! also if I take care of my females when they are 2-3 I will calve more 11 + yr old cows!!! I will more than gain the first calf back!
Someone is an earlier post mentioned calving and management like it was done back in the 70's..... I can almost bet you that the NorthAmerican cow herd is closer to what it looked like in the 70's so why not manage them the same way!!!
If you are confident that calving at 3 years old works for your operation, then that is what you should do. In my operation I cannot do this, even though I am like you in that I grow nothing but grass. Any other supplemental feed is purchased here. I presently have a set of two year old females that have never been fed grain and I think they are the best set I have ever had. There have been many,many economic research studies done in all parts of North America as well as all around the world, and I think that 99% of the ones I have seen come to the conclusion that calving at two years of age is one of the most important economic decisions a producer can make. I tend to agree. I know there are still a few producers who calve at 3 years of age, so if it works for you, then that is what you should do.
aj said:Thats what the definition of insane is. When purebred breeders start telling commercial people what kind of cattle they need to raise. I always thought that a measure of success was "pounds weaned per cow exposed to bull" minus costs. I know alot of people tally up the pounds weaned say off a quarter of grass. This is what they need to know. If they loose one single calf at birth this really eats away from the averages. "A dead calf has a distressfully low weaning weight". But in my opinion us dumbass registered people keep using big birth weight bulls and slap each other on the back about the ridiculous wda of age figures we can artifically produce in Denver and Louiville ever year.jmo