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    Not gonna lie - my friends and I do it all the time lol! Like at fairs and rodeos and stuff - it seems like it would be a guy thing but us girls do it too  (lol)
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    Cooked Feed, Advantages, Equipment, Ingredients

    Do you add it over what they are eating or do you substitute it - like take away 3lbs show ration and add 3lbs cooked? How much cooked do you feed at a time
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    Awards at show-idea's

    TV trays? Never heard of that one but would be super usefull to use lol
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    You dont want a new puppy for christmas - you want a new heifer
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    Awards at show-idea's

    I think usefull stuff is always nice - like the jackets, bags, chairs, equipment, etc. At our fair everyone gets a rope halter, first place gets a chair, and second gets an engraved show stick. But like around here some of the associations get these jackets that look like they are from like 30...
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    Work on Picture

    Dont feel bad i SUCK at taking pics - looks like your good just got a funny position. I think if you take the fence outta that one it will look off.
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    Hired man steer

    That little guy looks almost a twin to a white boy steer I was interested in down by utah
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    Cattlejunky T's at the FFA Convention/Naile/&Beef Congress

    Oh man that sux! I went to convention last year and bought a ton of stuff from there and would totally have bought some of your stuff!
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    What Do You Think?

    K keep us updated - I think he's a winner. Are you going to make him a steer?
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    Another Perfect Timing heifer!

    I dont think anyone ever minds looking at a beautiful heifer and having the oppurtunity to drool  (lol) But really she is nice, good job on raising a nice one (clapping)
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    Just Had My First Calf

    His momma looks awesome I think and hes a cute little guy
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    Purina Grand 4 T Fyer

    I was wondering if it was worth buying. I was told to use it if you want to feed like wet cob or just need a little boost but wasnt sure if it was worth the money. Post you pics if you would  ;D
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    Beet Pulp Shortage

    hey no fair we never get molasses on our beet pulp - i have gotten it in the bag too.  We wet ours down because in the bag it only comes in pellets around here.
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    Beet Pulp Shortage

    Im not sure where you are located but you may contact a sugar beet factory - if there is one near you. I know the one down the road from us sells it by the truck load
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    Show Steers or Intricate/Expensive/Picky Eaters...Response to "Dont Get Mad"

    Heck I live in Idaho and I can drive 30 miles in any direction and find anything from hops, soybean, corn, wheat, oats, etc and lots of it and I still have a VERY hard time finding anyone to mix feed.  That what I was doing today and there are only two close enough to make it possible and they...
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    I need a realy nice show steer for 2009 show season.

    Oh sorry, I wasnt trying to upset or anything. I was just saying what is common here - and the middle range calves bring the most around here too. A few years back large was common. Typically we would get a fee over 1500 cause they had trouble with getting butchered. Sorry I offended you -...
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    Maine Question - Warning may sound dumb LOL

    Thanks :) i just didnt know if her heifers could be registered if she was technically
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    I need a realy nice show steer for 2009 show season.

    Around here they wont look at a calf that is over 1350ish for grand/reserve but about three years ago thats what won here
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    Looking for Breeders

    Oh if anyone knows of the oregon-washington-idaho breeders that arent on there let me know too. I have contacted all of the Idaho ones on the list already  :)! Thanks