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  1. J

    PETA at the CO state fair.

    They WANT you to confront them.  You aren't going to change their view by yelling at them, you're only going to give them what they want.
  2. J

    Alphatoxin and the midwest corn crop

    Our local feed guy just got back from the Midwest and says that alphatoxin is going to be a big issue for corn coming from there. Are you guys with corn up there seeing it?
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    New Australian Angus record

    Auesie, same thing happens here.  One bull that could be called the best of the group sells for a ton and the rest are reasonably priced.  It's become such a blatant marketing ploy that people don't even pay attention to them. What specifically makes that bull worth 15 of the others?
  4. J

    New Australian Angus record

    Do people in Australia pay attention to these prices or is it like here where that group of big Angus ranches took it too far with the 'record price' auctions and nobody believes any of it any more.
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    Pic of a calf i went a looked at today (i think hes a keeper)

    Sorry, I was kidding with you. Try posting the picture without the rainbow background.  It's a tad bit distracting.
  6. J


    Does any type of spraying actually work?  We can bomb a full acre to where you cant even breathe to prep for a party and they still seem to back in hours.
  7. J

    Taming a calf that fears/hates its owners

    Thanks for the input guys.  The ideas from Chambero and JMRCattleCo were both things I hadn't thought of. While the calf in question is an exotic, we run primarily american cows.  Trust me when I say we've sold spooky calves before and know how to deal with them.  This is a different situation...
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    Taming a calf that fears/hates its owners

    leanbeef, thanks for the detailed reply but I'm a bit more interested in people who have experience with such situations rather than customer relationship advice.  Please don't take that the wrong way, I just don't feel comfortable talking about real people as generic 'customers' with strangers...
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    Taming a calf that fears/hates its owners

    We sold a calf this spring to a guy and long story short, the calf is now afraid of him and his fight instinct has kicked in when he’s around.  It’s spilled over into the way the calf is around his daughter as well. He called me on Sunday and said they’re probably going to have to send him to...
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    Canceled fall sales

    It happened last year in Texas with three sales I know of in various breeds.  Only one of them had a sale again this year.
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    Fall Club Calf Sale Season

    "The proliferation of publications was a classic sign of a speculative bubble." - A Random Walk Down Wall Street
  12. J

    Star Lake Herefords Dispersal

    I don't think anybody is aying they've become #3.  What they're saying is they're sliding closer to #3 than #1.
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    Myty in Focus

    Goodnight is spot on. If there's a better example of the 'slab sided, ugly to look at cattle that throw up great numbers' type bull, I'd like to know what it is.
  14. J

    Club Calf Bull Semen Quality

    I can understand what you are thinking Zach and if I didn't know better I'd agree but that thought never crossed my mind.  What did cross my mind are the reasons cited above (handling of the semen plays a larger role than anything), small sample, sizes and logical fallacies. If you listen to...
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    Club Calf Bull Semen Quality

    This poll is an excellent idea that can't possibly go horrifyingly wrong or jump to completely unfair conclusions.
  16. J

    Big Congrats to Chambero and family!

    I know it's July and all but a lot of calves seemed to be clipped a bit 'tighter' than in the past.  Is it a trend or has hair been harder to come by this year?
  17. J

    When to castrate?

    "The signs" are astrology.
  18. J

    Hauling Post-Breeding

    Um yeah, packer.  Darn phone.