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  1. ATM OH

    Any one use this bull or seen calves out of him?

    Just refreshing this...curious to see if anyone has used him?
  2. ATM OH

    Some Calves Im going To Look @ This Weekend

    Hope the sale goes well for Josh and Michelle and all of the consignors.
  3. ATM OH

    Monopoly Heifers

    Dirty Harry 2 X Monopoly heifer
  4. ATM OH

    Monopoly Heifers

    Would I80 make them big enough out of these Monopoly cows? That'd be my concern.  I would vote Crimson Tide or One and Only.  Dirty Harry 2 worked well for us on a young Monopoly cow.  We just sold the calf.
  5. ATM OH

    What charolais bull to use?

    Does Firewater moderate size or breed similar to the cow?
  6. ATM OH

    Walks Alone daughters

    Havent seen any either but there has to be plenty of them out there.  Seems similar to Monopoly was, it takes a while anyone to come out and say how they are performing.  In my opinion I think if they were out of a good milking cow they should make nice mothers.  A lot of them definitely have a...
  7. ATM OH

    Thriller vs. One and Only

    Have had 4 One and Only calves the past 2 years and have liked them all.  We sold 2 steers out of him and kept 2 replacement heifers that are now bred.  I think originally everyone was afraid the One and Only calves were going to be too tall and definitely dont think that is the case anymore. ...
  8. ATM OH

    Best Full Flush son?

    Agree with Mossy Oak...always worked well for us and I believe Semen is still relatively low price.
  9. ATM OH

    Fitting front legs this might be similar but i cannot find a price
  10. ATM OH

    Fitting front legs

    anyone know who makes that strand of lighting that they have hanging on the chute?
  11. ATM OH

    Best County Fairs

    Nice...what are the dates for Highland and Brown?
  12. ATM OH

    Best County Fairs

    I really enjoy going to see different County Fairs in our area or any area for that matter.  Thought it might be cool to have everyone post where their favorite county fair is and then also post which county fair in their vicinity has the toughest steer show.  Mine is easily Darke County Ohio...
  13. ATM OH

    The resurrection of the 1980's simmentals

    Very interesting thread.  I remember a lot of these bulls from my childhood (was born in 85' so some of them are hit or miss.)  We used to buy from Silvertowne in the early 90's.  I am posting a picture of a cow that shows the old school Simmental genetics - mixed with a more modern style.  Her...
  14. ATM OH

    silent knight?

    If you do own him, can you tell us how much semen was sold last spring for his first crop.  I think that would be interesting to know, then we'll know how many calves to be expecting from him.
  15. ATM OH

    cow puts to much leg in calf

    I agree that Ohlde Angus genetics would do the trick, then you'd have a really nice female to use in production.  Duff Angus should do the same trick with all of the OCC bloodlines.
  16. ATM OH

    cow puts to much leg in calf

    We have a cow family that tends to throw the same problem, she has done it 4 years in a row with My Turn, Monopoly, Simple Math, and WA.  I'm about ready to give up on her.  They grow like crazy, but lose their eye appeal after a few weeks.  There are worse problems to have,  it's just tough to...
  17. ATM OH

    Texas Twister

    There is always at least one bull right after breeding season that starts gaining popularity and makes you wish you would have tried him....I believe Texas Twister would be mine for 2012 hahaha
  18. ATM OH

    Smokin Hottie

    Would think he wouldve gotten more use than that, anyone seen any Searsboro calves yet either.  I really liked the look and pedigree of this bull last spring.
  19. ATM OH

    Front end problem

    What is the best place to give a shot to a steer that is 2 months away from the fair?  Just to keep it from being questioned?
  20. ATM OH

    Jesse James

    We ordered a few straws to use on our heifers and actually bred a mature Golden Child cow to Jesse James today.  I always have trouble finding a good TH Free bull to use on her and I think Jesse James may be the answer.  We will see in February!