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  1. W

    Non paying show cattle trader

    Dude, if I had to fight someone I'd rather fight Rip any day. Not only will Beth kick the crap outta me, but she's gonna belittle me the whole time! She's one bad chick.
  2. W

    best simmental bull

    Revival, relentless, 20-20, bankroll, the possibilities are truly endless in the breed it seems. Here is a 20-20 calf I have out of an angus cow that I'd say is quite plain through her front third.
  3. W

    Cane Code for TKCC Classified

    I gotcha. Upgrade is a bull that I have not used, his daughters were never really on my radar to be honest.
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    Cane Code for TKCC Classified

    FSR I think he has been working on a lot of different stuff. He seems to put a good long and beat front on everything with good depth and spring of rib. I used him on a SF cow this year. She has always put plenty of power, bone, and depth in her calves but lacks the cool front. Fingers crossed.
  5. W

    Timed breeding

    Any reason why you can't sync and breed on a visible heat?
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    More corn

    E6, reading isn't your forte ehh. As I stated before.  Been practicing no till for many years only perform tillage in areas where its needed for certain reasons. Also been practicing cover crops for years, also much prefer using manure over any type of commercial fertilizer...why? Wait for...
  7. W

    More corn

    Do I need field tile- it would be nice, but don't have any Do I rotate cattle on crop ground- not often, but occasionally Do I practice tillage- only when necessary Not sure how you figure either you are killing the soil or building it, please elaborate on that. Also please elaborate on...
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    More corn

    Other than telling us how much you think you know, because of the degree and all. How about you answer my questions? How many acres of corn have you grown in Kansas and California? I figure it has to be thousands upon thousands of acres....cause those 2 states are so well known for it. And just...
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    More corn

    I sure hope you talk with more sense than you type. What the hell are you actually trying to say? Edit to add- that article seems pretty liberal based. Knabe have you ever grown corn? Or know anything about it? My assumption is probably not. But then again you know what they say about...
  10. W

    Risk of buying a calf online

    Depends on if you are dealing with honest people. I've bought 6 sight unseen with pics and  videos and have been pleased every time. I used a friend as a second opinion to make sure I am not looking past something.
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    More corn

    Sure, because the prices already aren't in the crapper because we grow more than we need.
  12. W

    A few calves we really like

    The simmy is actually a bull calf. He has a ton of bone and width IMO. I'll see if I can find the behind shot of him.
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    A few calves we really like

    Just wanted to share some non shorthorn calves!  ;D First calf is a PB Red Angus heifer calf sired by LCA Haggard out of a Kargo first calf heifer. She’s  pretty nice for 6 days old here. The 2nd is a Red Angus Calf by Haggard, out of a Bingo first calf heifer. The black calf is a 3/4 Simmy...
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    Timing For/Of New Born Calf - Colostrum Supplementation

    I will tube colostrum supplement after 3-4hrs of no nursing in hopes of bringing the calfs energy level up to where it will nurse itself. If it still doesn't nurse within a couple hours after that I will try to help it or will milk the cow out and bottle feed or tube. I do not like waiting to long.
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    So, rather than start a useful thread about the show, you start out by putting down some people who are trying to get it all figured out. Pretty much the main purpose of the board is to do just that. You wanna talk about the show call one of your friends and talk. Don't come here and get pissed...
  16. W

    Calvo Family Red Angus?

    I know nothing of the breeders you asked. However if you are looking into red angus cattle I urge you to look into Lonesome Creek Angus (LCA)
  17. W

    Where to buy show steers this fall?

    I have a buddy of mine that is in Missouri that plans on having a private treaty type deal this fall. Keep in touch with me and I'll get the details for you. I also will have some calves there, not steers though.