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  1. JoeDirt

    Calves for sale

    I like Eartag # 143  Very nice hip top and deep  how wide is he?
  2. JoeDirt

    Scientists warn of first ever case of human mad cow disease from blood plasma

    The first case of a person being infected with the human form of mad cow disease after receiving contaminated blood plasma has been identified by scientists. The man was one of thousands of haemophiliacs who received blood plasma transfusions in the years before strict controls were brought in...
  3. JoeDirt

    Kent's Winners Fill

  4. JoeDirt

    Kent's Winners Fill

    Thanks all for the answers I just need to know a little about these Question. Can someone tell me how long does Kent winner fill last? When does it start going bad? How you can tell if it is bad? How can you tell how old it is?
  5. JoeDirt

    Kent's Winners Fill

    Can someone tell me how long does Kent winner fill last? When does it start going bad? How you can tell if it is bad? How can you tell how old it is? How much do you feed? How do you all use it? How well it works? and anything I have missed :)?
  6. JoeDirt

    What is happening in IOWA....???

    Iowa gay marriage ban ruled unconstitutional State supreme court says law violates rights of gays and lesbians DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa Supreme Court  legalized gay marriage Friday in a unanimous and emphatic decision that makes Iowa the third state — and the first in the nation's...
  7. JoeDirt

    Bad day of halter breaking (pics)

    How did you get the Halter on him when he was laying done?  (lol) (lol) (lol) So do we want a Couch Potato? or a Wild hard to break Steer? I wonder what is worse?
  8. JoeDirt

    Modern cattle rustlers update Wild West ways

    Modern cattle rustlers update Wild West ways Sophisticated thieves target ranchers in tough economic times Otto Dwaine Hendricks is a character out of the Old West transplanted to the 21st century, to hear the police tell it. The Dade County, Mo., Sheriff’s Department says Hendricks is a...
  9. JoeDirt

    It is my Ag teachers birthday April 4th. What should the FFA get/do to him?

    look here
  10. JoeDirt

    angus steer

    Please post better pictures
  11. JoeDirt

    Obama's new auto plan. (non cattle)

    This is the PLAN I would like to see "if you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct the cost of any sales and excise taxes. " may be able to? NOT if you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct the cost of of the car truck or van on your taxes and if there is a...
  12. JoeDirt


    How about 30 3mg Tables of Melitonin?  Like we feed our cattle to calm down
  13. JoeDirt


    We will miss Red (Cathy) Dearly I loved all of her comments and the support she had on all the forum boards What Hope for Dead Loved Ones? “If a man die, shall he live again?” asked the man Job long ago. (Job 14:14, King James Version) Perhaps you, too, have wondered about this. How...
  14. JoeDirt

    ND Update

    MAybe the Rising and Flooding of the RED RIVER is "REDS" way of tell us to remember Her  (clapping) I hope all is getting better out there instead of worse Chris
  15. JoeDirt


    We will miss Red Dearly I loved all of her comments and the support she had on all the forum boards What Hope for Dead Loved Ones? “If a man die, shall he live again?” asked the man Job long ago. (Job 14:14, King James Version) Perhaps you, too, have wondered about this. How would you...
  16. JoeDirt


    I got a pretty good March All Aboard Calf that weighs about 900lb and Short 46'' at 800 lb hip height. not a BIG Show Calf but a VERY Stout, DEEP, Sound calf.  He has high loin and high flank ( that is coming down now) and Shoulders are big but oh well i guess it goes with the big top butt...
  17. JoeDirt


    CAn we get a Picture of Red to Remmeber her Chris
  18. JoeDirt

    Can Not get this calf broke

    if he is a Good man he will give you anither steer or if they are all gone he will give you one next year.... But to ask for the money back I would say NO. Just my two Cents and I would do that for you if it was my steer
  19. JoeDirt

    Biblical timeline

    There are a few thing that still have to happen before the coming of christ 1 Fall of Bablyon the Great :) Just for one
  20. JoeDirt

    Biblical timeline

    The Bible saysabout  6000 years and if you believe in GOD we need to Believe in his Owners Manuel that tell us how to live our lives.  We have to Remember that Carbon dating work CORRECTLY back to the FLOOD and when you add wateror soak something that you will carbon date.  It screws the Carbon...