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I'm not one to stir up peoples feathers but let me throw this out there. How long has man been on the earth? I am an amateur anthropologist. The scientists think they have radio carbon dated man made items to 13,500 bp and possibly16,ooo with meadowcroft in pennslyvania. I know you are never to talk politics or religion with family. I am probably catagorized as a pro choice,pro birth controll,supply side(Ronald Reagen), anti socialist, anti obama,possibly legalize marajuana(though I haven't tried it),gun liking red neck from Kansas. I am almost anti church(as I am not a gay basher)kkk guy. However I believe in a creator and not the big bang. Some things baffle me. Like why are Catholics pro choice but vote Democrat 60% of the time. My main question is this. When does the bible say adam or whatever occured. I have three preacher friends. One says 6,000 bc,one says 10,000 bc and one says man has been in the U.S. 18,000bp. I don't want to get into name calling but are there web sites or books or thoughts about the issue out there. My thoughts are that the bible might be wrong on a couple things and the sciencetist are wrong on a few things. I think they will blend together in the end. I don't think that man came from apes or Neanderthal but their branches below that might come together.Please be civil.Thanks in advance.