Biblical timeline

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I'm not one to stir up peoples feathers but let me throw this out there. How long has man been on the earth? I am an amateur anthropologist. The scientists think they have radio carbon dated man made items to 13,500 bp and possibly16,ooo with meadowcroft in pennslyvania. I know you are never to talk politics or religion with family. I am probably catagorized as a pro choice,pro birth controll,supply side(Ronald Reagen), anti socialist, anti obama,possibly legalize marajuana(though I haven't tried it),gun liking red neck from Kansas. I am almost anti church(as I am not a gay basher)kkk guy. However I believe in a creator and not the big bang. Some things baffle me. Like why are Catholics pro choice but vote Democrat 60% of the time. My main question is this. When does the bible say adam or whatever occured. I have three preacher friends. One says 6,000 bc,one says 10,000 bc and one says man has been in the U.S. 18,000bp. I don't want to get into name calling but are there web sites or books or thoughts about the issue out there. My thoughts are that the bible might be wrong on a couple things and the sciencetist are wrong on a few things. I think they will blend together in the end. I don't think that man came from apes or Neanderthal but their branches below that might come together.Please be civil.Thanks in advance.


Active member
Mar 8, 2009
I don't believe the Bible was wrong on anything- If anything out interpretation might be erroneous, but not the Bible.  God Bless us all.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
The Bible saysabout  6000 years and if you believe in GOD we need to Believe in his Owners Manuel that tell us how to live our lives.  We have to Remember that Carbon dating work CORRECTLY back to the FLOOD and when you add wateror soak something that you will carbon date.  It screws the Carbon dating correct date.

Just my two cent


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
I can be wrong, you can be wrong, science can be wrong, but the Bible is never wrong. 

The 70 weeks prophesy, in the OT book of Daniel, predicted the exact date that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, hundreds of years before it happened.  Jewish Rabbi's are forbidden from reading Daniel for this exact reason.  And some who did were converted to Christianity.   

When God had Moses & the Isrealites (The Passover) dab blood on the top of the door frame & on the sides of the door frame, when the blood dripped on the floor from the top, guess what it looked like.  It looked exactly like a cross.  Don't believe me try it yourself & step back & take a look.   ;)  And that was written over 1,000 years before Christ & nobody knew what a cross even was at that time.  Besides that, most Jews don't believe in Christ, so obviously they didn't make that stuff up to help the cause of Christianity.

I could go on & on & on...

I can be wrong about cattle & a lot of other things, but I know that I'm right about this.  God's Spirit bears witness with my spirit & I know. 


6M Ranch

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2007
To accurately use C-14 dating, you need to know two things.  First, the decay rate, which is known.  Secondly, how much C-14 did the organism contain when it died?  Since no one can know that, scietists use the ratio of C-14 to C-12, which is stable, and does not decay.  This is where it breaks down.  Scientists assume that the atmosphere is the same now as it was back then.  If that were true, you would know the ratio.  However, the atmosphere is not at equilibrium.  Another factor that influences C-14 production, is the earth's magnetic field, which is also not constant.

The inerrancy of Scripture should be the starting point for all Christians.  If you don't believe the Bible is the true and inspired word of God, it's hard to have a discussion.  The only way to interpret Scripture, is with Scripture.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
SW Oklahoma
I guess I just take the easy way out on this one.  I believe the Bible.  Science has never proven anything in the bible wrong, and when it starts doing so, I'll probably be more skeptical of science than the Bible anyway.  I say I take the easy way out, because to me it takes much less faith to believe in God than to believe in evolution.  The whole makeup of our universe points towards a creator.  When someone can tell me which two particles of nothing bumped together and formed some form of life, I might be willing to listen. 

I also believe that all men can look at nature & plainly see that there was a creator who set everything into motion, just like it says in Romans 1. 


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
TJ said:
I can be wrong, you can be wrong, science can be wrong, but the Bible is never wrong. 

The 70 weeks prophesy, in the OT book of Daniel, predicted the exact date that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, hundreds of years before it happened.  Jewish Rabbi's are forbidden from reading Daniel for this exact reason.  And some who did were converted to Christianity.   

When God had Moses & the Isrealites (The Passover) dab blood on the top of the door frame & on the sides of the door frame, when the blood dripped on the floor from the top, guess what it looked like.  It looked exactly like a cross.  Don't believe me try it yourself & step back & take a look.   ;)  And that was written over 1,000 years before Christ & nobody knew what a cross even was at that time.  Besides that, most Jews don't believe in Christ, so obviously they didn't make that stuff up to help the cause of Christianity.

I could go on & on & on...

Correct me if I am wrong but, Jewish people believe in Jesus they don't think he is the savior. BTW I am Catholic and the reason there are so many democrats in our religion, is the huge Latino presence among other things. 


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007
I have a question, and since we talk a lot of genetics on this site, How did Adam and Eve populate the world with out getting defects?


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
BIGTEX said:
Correct me if I am wrong but, Jewish people believe in Jesus they don't think he is the savior. BTW I am Catholic and the reason there are so many democrats in our religion, is the huge Latino presence among other things. 

Oh, they do think that He existed, they just don't think the He was the Messiah.  When I saw "they", I am talking about most... not all.  Obviously some people of Jewish decent, are Christians.  The point is, the Jewish population that had the OT, wasn't going to write things to help Christianity, particularly before the fact.  

I used to be Catholic when I was growing up.  I agree about the huge Latino population.  


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Thanks. This gives me something to go on. One thing I always wondered about was the flood. If the bible was written in Europe or the middle east or where ever.....was there a flood in the Americas also? I would never have questioned it except my interest in ancient man in the Americas. Could be carbon dating does have problems. Someone told me that there was a phrase in the bible that was something like" man before man". There theory was this mean't maybe a clovis man or something. Thats my problem is I don't know the bible well I guess. I guess this stuff will always be argued. There is a site bout 4 miles from me" The Laird-Busse site". They think it is a bison kill site. They found a Dalton like point and radio carbon dated the bison bone to I think 8,500 bp(before present). Thats what I wonder if carbon dating is wrong I guess that could move the site up earlier in chronology. But they found something. My one preacher buddie says carbon dating is very accurate and the one says it must be inaccurate. Fascinating stuff if you care about where humans came from and where we are going. I'm not smart enough to know carbon dating accuracy. Thanks again.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
I believe in both creation and evolution.

Although I'd say most evolution is on a cellular scale (bacteria, viruses).

The humans from monkeys stuff I don't buy.



Well-known member
May 15, 2007
simtal said:
I believe in both creation and evolution.

Although I'd say most evolution is on a cellular scale (bacteria, viruses).

The humans from monkeys stuff I don't buy.

I don't buy the humans from monkeys either.  I also think that humans, animals, plants & all living species can "adapt" somewhat.   


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
When you look at everything that has happened, and is currently going on, in the world today....Fact is that nothing else has to happen before the second coming of Christ! If this scares you, you might want to get on your knees a little more!! God Bless (angel)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
"I can see clearly now, the pain is gone. Gonna' be a bright, bright sun-shinny day." That's not Biblical, but I'm sure look'in forward to it. The fact is one day ALL will believe. What will be the status of your Soul on that day? ? ? satan, lucifer, devil, demon, be-eselbub, what ever you call the prince of darkness, is the biggest believer of all!


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
BRdoc said:
When you look at everything that has happened, and is currently going on, in the world today....Fact is that nothing else has to happen before the second coming of Christ! If this scares you, you might want to get on your knees a little more!! God Bless (angel)

There are a few thing that still have to happen before the coming of christ

1 Fall of Bablyon the Great :) Just for one


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
aj said:
Thanks. This gives me something to go on. One thing I always wondered about was the flood. If the bible was written in Europe or the middle east or where ever.....was there a flood in the Americas also? I would never have questioned it except my interest in ancient man in the Americas. Could be carbon dating does have problems. Someone told me that there was a phrase in the bible that was something like" man before man". There theory was this mean't maybe a clovis man or something. Thats my problem is I don't know the bible well I guess. I guess this stuff will always be argued. There is a site bout 4 miles from me" The Laird-Busse site". They think it is a bison kill site. They found a Dalton like point and radio carbon dated the bison bone to I think 8,500 bp(before present). Thats what I wonder if carbon dating is wrong I guess that could move the site up earlier in chronology. But they found something. My one preacher buddie says carbon dating is very accurate and the one says it must be inaccurate. Fascinating stuff if you care about where humans came from and where we are going. I'm not smart enough to know carbon dating accuracy. Thanks again.

Some speculate that there is a time gap between Genesis 1 & part of Genesis 2 (Adam & Eve).  I don't buy it, but some do.   

The flood got the whole earth...  It not only rained like crazy (it had never rained to that point... it was a vapor canopy), it also burst up violently out of the ground too.  That very easily explains the "fossil layers" (buried alive in mud) & it also explains why fish fossils are found up in the mountains.  It also explains the Grand Canon, the rips across the ocean floor, the Rocky Mountains, the Smokey Mountains, Mammoth Cave, the river, the valleys, the Great Lakes, the Plains, the fault lines, etc., etc.     Some believe that there was a brief ice age right after the flood & it eventually killed out the dinosaurs.  Elbee mentioned the Behemoth and Leviathan in Job... that was after the flood... but not all that long after.  Those critters didn't last long in the "new environment".  And Humans went from living 500-700 years, down to 120 pretty quickly after the flood & then on down to the point where you are very fortunate to top 70.  The whole environment changed drastically. 

Do I think that a worldwide flood, a brief ice age & major environmental change could mess up carbon dating?  You bet that I do.

One other thing that I want to point out... the Bible says of those who refuse to believe in God, that God will send them a strong delusion, so that they will believe a lie.  I honestly think that God has given us all more than enough "proof", but He also leaves just enough "doubt" so that those who continually refuse to believe can pick up the ball & run with it.  In other words, those that believe in Him have absolutely no doubt, and those that continually reject God think that they have no doubt.  Both sides usually are very firm in their beliefs & neither side can see why the other side doesn't believe the way that they do.  God designed it to be that way.  It His way of separating sheep from goats.           

BRdoc... I agree that lots is going on in the world today that should cause an alarm to go off in the hearts & minds of many.  Trouble is, so many are "asleep at the wheel" & we need to wake up!  I don't know if the 2nd coming is around the corner or if we are about to be judged as a nation or what, but it's pretty obvious that God is trying to get our attention!   And folks, it can get worse.  Read the Book of Revelation for a real eye opener!   ;)     

100Million... nothing has to happen to start the Great Tribulation.   RE the 2nd coming... All depends upon if you believe in the rapture & if you do, when it takes place.  You are correct about Christ setting foot on the Earth to rule for 1,000 years.  Bablyon the Great has to fall 1st. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
All things are in place for the RAPTURE, more to come before the SECOND COMING!

I wonder how the secular world will explain the Rapture?

turning grass into beef

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Saskatchewan, Canada
I'm not a scientist or an anthropologist but I am a Christian, so take this for what it is worth.  Nobody alive today was alive at the beginning of this earth whenever you believe that to be.  Thus whether you choose to believe in the theory of evolution or in the theory of creation you have to have a certain amount of faith.  I have never done the math or studied this in depth but I have been told that if you go through all of the 'Adam begat Seth, Seth begot Enosh, etc., etc. etc', that the time from Adam to Christ was about 4000 years.
I choose to believe in creation.  Probably mainly because it gives me a sense of personal worth, knowing that I was created and redeemed by a loving God, instead of just being here by chance.
Coyote - I don't know how Adam and Eve did not have genetically defective children.  2 possibilities come to mind off the top of my head. 1) maybe they did, but nothing was recorded about them in the Bible.  2) Seeing that they were the only male and female alive God played a part in making sure that genetic defects did not occur in those first few generations.  I choose to believe #2.