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  1. cpubarn

    Shows on Internet

    Denver is here...
  2. cpubarn


    I really like number 13. It gets me excited for calves in a month or so...  Kind of like a kid just before Christmas...
  3. cpubarn

    What Angus Bull should I use on our IAL heifer - Pic of heifer included

    One more thing.  OCC Homer and Duff Hobart are discussed in this thread.  They are different bulls and Homer has a better epd for calving ease, so please look them up yourself as you decide. Mark
  4. cpubarn

    What Angus Bull should I use on our IAL heifer - Pic of heifer included

    I think that someone that is an owner of hobart posts here, in the meantime, I really liked some Hobarts that sold on Tree Lane Farms sale.  I just didn't have big enough of a budget. This should be a link to their sale report that has pictures and videos of some very nice Hobart calves...
  5. cpubarn

    Brillance, Bismark, Unbelievable or First Impession

      Is First Impression available on the open market? If so where please? I asked Cattle Visions earlier today about availability and the said he was in stock ($30)
  6. cpubarn

    Now posting up some of the girls

    Pardon me for not knowing any galloway bulls but yours, but I'm thinking there of lots of maine bulls I'd like to cross with those girls as cows.... What types of bulls have you crossed this type of female with?....
  7. cpubarn

    What do you think of this Shorthorn Plus heifer?

    I think that she looks nice. The good thing is, if she grows to be a touch bigger like Romax fears, you can breed her as a cow to any of a number of smaller clubby bulls to produce right sized calves.  Enjoy her! Mark
  8. cpubarn

    Shorthorn Yard Bulls - M Bar Shorthorns

    It looks like a great family project just have fun with it!
  9. cpubarn

    Neighbors health insurance company didn't even make it to 2013 before quitting

    I do not think I should "out" the neighbor by disclosing his profession, but you have given another example. Sad,
  10. cpubarn

    Trip To Denver

    With that many days I wwould look into the mint, coors if you are interested, lots of places to eat.  There should be discussions of the best places to eat  if you do a search.  I took my son and on a VERY warm spell we drove up into the mountians nearby and got his picture by the continental...
  11. cpubarn

    Neighbors health insurance company didn't even make it to 2013 before quitting

    We were playing cards at the neighbors. He gets health insurance from a professional group that is underwritten by a big name you would recognize.  They have received the letter saying that the company is no longer going to offer health insurance and they have a year to find new coverage.  I...
  12. cpubarn

    Shorthorn Heifers

    He seems to have given them a look and color scheme.  I like the depth. From your previous posts I'm guessing that the cows were pretty nice too... Great set!
  13. cpubarn

    TH Proliferation

    It is amazing that they are only after the terminal steer segment of the business and give up the breeding heifer side without trying too hard or we would have more chopper/I80/Mercedes Benz type bulls offered...  I wouldn't expect even numbers, but why only one choice of Heat Wave genetics? ...
  14. cpubarn

    Griswold sale
  15. cpubarn


    She looks great!  Sorry I didn't get back on in time to guess. Good luck with the sale!
  16. cpubarn


    No matter the politics of it all, She looks like a very nice heifer.  Sounds like she is 1/2 red angus, whats the other 1/2? Mark
  17. cpubarn

    Is Ace of Diamonds still alive?

    Thanks for the info! We have a nice 1/2blood heifer and hoped to make more!!!  When he is freezing again and sales open up, please do a little self promotion and post it! Mark Lage
  18. cpubarn

    Anyone have results from Holtkamps Sale today?

    Good job! She looked nice in the video and sold great!
  19. cpubarn

    Anyone have results from Holtkamps Sale today?

    Lot 9 was $8000 according to online bidding results.
  20. cpubarn

    Does this read like a con ?

    I agree E-mail hack. Please inform the member that it has occured so he/she can try and clean up the cpu, etc. A reminder for all of us to make sure antivirus and malware software is up to date etc.... Mark