As the owner of Ace I can assure you he is probably in the best health he has been in for over 18 months. He quit producing freezable semen in March that met Nichols standards and I want to emphasize the frreezable and the Nichols high standards part of that. We attributed this to his age and the heat of the summer but after spending Aug and Sept on cows I still wasn't comfortable he was right. One week at the ISU Vet Hospital Ames, IA in Oct and they found and treated an old injury that probably may have occured in 2011. He has finally been gaining weight something we haven't been able to get him to do the last 18 months. In Oct we thought the wise approach to take was to put a hold on semen sales until we knew what his status would be. His popularity has stayed so good the last 5 yrs and semen sales have reflected this that panic buying would clean out what semen inventory there is. Actually yesterday I made an appointment to return him to a stud this week. Sit tight and he should be back on the market soon. Todd Vogel