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    best product to grow hair

    Code Blue is a hair conditioning type of product (Category 1 in my original response).  Show Coat will MAKE one grow hair (providing you continue with the hard work).  Nothing against everyone that likes all of their different hair growing tonics.  I understand that people like what they...
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    best product to grow hair

    Show Coat and Sure Coat are very different products.  Show Coat fits in category 3, and is sort of like Rogaine for cattle meaning that there is an actual chemical composition that specifically causes hair to grow. Show Coat is more of a category 1 product with a little menthol smelling stuff...
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    best product to grow hair

    I have a personal opinion here, and it is just opinion. There are a lot of products out there.  I believe that they fall into 3 categories. 1.  Hair treatment products that primarily focus on keeping the hair healthy and therefore not breaking off as fast as it grows.  2. ...
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    Not to be rude, but why on earth are you looking at a bull that is unproven or an under performer? If you want a Fu Man Chu like bull, why not use Fu Man Chu?  A good bull is about 60% of your calf.  A bad bull is about 95% of the calf. Use a proven bull.
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    Risk of buying a calf online

    I agree with you aj.  This deal is all about the reputation of the seller. I have bought show steers sight unseen.  No video, no pictures, no nothing.  I trusted the seller, and the steers were BETTER than I imagined. My one piece of advice, ask for a weight on the calf.  If I have the weight...
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    I understand your point Roadrunner.  Honestly, the coverage of shows in general (not Steerplanet, but blogs as well) is way down.  One of the biggest early open shows up north is in Norfolk NE and held on Thanksgiving weekend.  I have seen 800+ head of prospects at that show in years past, and...
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    show day feed questions?/Can you over feed Depth Charge?

    I understand the general question and idea of what you are getting at.  I do however have some questions. Why are people coming across the scale at 1,200 pounds for a fat steer show?  I don't understand that.  I know that they want to shrink in order to get in a lighter class but that weight...
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    Hair Supplements

    I understand what you are saying. Here's the thing......they will ALL lose their hair at some point, no matter what you have them on.  We had a steer drop his hair 2 weeks before Kansas City a couple years ago. Have had others do the same thing. You can't get them to hold their hair forever. ...
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    Hair Supplements

    Why do you want to go with Non Melatonin based supplements?
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    Hair Supplements

    Never used any of those, but have used: Show Coat Grow & Shine Sure Coat Shag Secrets Pure Melotonin and probably others that I have forgotten.
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    The Creature Calves

    Personally, I believe that environment is the biggest determining factor.  If they are exposed to people and activity when they are little, it seems to make a big difference. If environment is taken out of the equation, I personally believe that the bull has a bigger impact on stupidity level...
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    The Creature Calves

    The ones that I was exposed to were all fine, except one.  That one ended up being fine once he was worked with and got used to the process. 
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    The Creature Calves

    Speaking of Trausch, it seems that basically the same thing happened to that operation.  Chris Wilson and Raymond Gonnet used to be at Trausch's.  I am not certain why they ended up going on their own, but as they left so did the relevance of Trausch Farms. For whatever reason, Eye Candy seems...
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    I just noticed Goet had one in the top 5 at the Kentucky Beef Expo. Honestly, I think that these steers change hands so many times that a lot of the producers and traders just give up following them.  Some of these things go through 3, 4, 5 different sets of hands before they find their exhibitor.
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    The Creature Calves

    Ya know, I really thought that bull was going to take off a few years ago.  The problem wasn't the quality of the calves.  The problem was that Goddard's herdsman left to do his own deal.  When Garrett Kalvig was working for Goddard, he was out going through cow herds, and helping people match...
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    Where to buy show steers this fall?

    Show Circuit Online Sales Caldwell-Willoughby online Sales Show Stock Planet Breeders World Online Sales To name a few.  Between those 4 plus Steer Bidder...probably 500 sales this fall.
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    Major Show - Hair problem

    Solid advice!  People used to make fun of us, but we poured our show steers as we were loading them on the trailer headed home after every single show we went to.  It is cheap, and it is overkill...but we never had lice problems.  They get it at the shows guys, it doesn't just pop up out of the...
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    Fair and Square

    The Fair & Square calves should be just starting now...or in the next couple weeks.  I talked with the guy that raised him last week.  I believe (not 100% positive) that the Weiss Brothers got the first round of semen, and they won't have the first ones until Early March.  I am very excited...
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    Poll Qustion - Top 10 Best Current Club Calf Bulls

    Good post!  It is hard to come up with 10 bulls when 2 of them are doing 60% of the winning! Made To Order could maybe be added...depending upon how stout the cows are. Maybe add in MAB. Maybe add in Hi Ho Silver. I don't know if I would even recommend 10!
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    Goretska Show Steers first Texas Sale

    Your points are valid, but you missed what I believe to be one of the most important components as to the reason there are so many more steers in Texas.  There are almost 30 million people in Texas!!  Therefore, more people showing livestock.