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  1. S

    Swollen nose on live calf

    Seems to me to be due to alot of pressure on the head.  We have seen it when the calf is "stuck" in the birth canal.  In my experience, the swelling will be down in just a couple of days.  However, have fun drenching or bottle feeding until that time.  A shot of anti inflammitory wouldn't hurt.
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    Check out the cow and the great video work of Brad Hook.

    New url.  Sorry
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    Check out the cow and the great video work of Brad Hook.

    This is the cow my daughter raised and has been showing for four years.  Time to retire and go to work now.
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    Sure Champ website, FFA Convention, and other topics!

    Good luck on the career change. Have fun at National Convention.  It's been a "few" years since I attended.  You'll still see lots of enthusiastic kids  my two among them. 
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    excused absences

    Illness is not considered an excused absense in our High School.  Consequently many of the students will go to school sick because they don't want the consequenses of an unexcused absense.  If you have a death in the IMMEDIATE family you have to provide a death certificate to prove that you...
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    Nothing like a little comedy!

    (clapping) (clapping) (clapping)
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    Charolais Bull

    Agree with Mark.  Milk epd's in the charolais breed tell me very little.  I want the see the cow and her bag to determine udder quality and milk.  Some the the high epd cows have very poor udders and many of the low milk epd cows milk exceptionally well.  Not a big fan of milk epds in the...
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    Cows do the darnedest things...

    The only two good things that came of this experience is that the cow is alive and that it looks like you have had some rain? Let us know when she calves.  You would think that the contractors would bury pipe as they go rather than leaving it exposed to livestock and possible damage to both...
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    Grinning happily :-)

    It's been a long time in coming and the smiles were huge yesterday.  More forecast for today.  Praying for those of you that still haven't gotten any significant rainfall.  We will take all that we can get,  ponds are drying up. Had to bite my tongue some when an uninformed town dweller bit*hed...
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    Texas Drought Pictures

    You don't have to die to go to HELL.  Just take a look at these pictures.  Pray for rain for all of us.
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    Half Century of Progress

    Our corn is being rated at BALES per acre rather than bushels per acre.  Bean look to be headed in that same direction.  No irrigation no yield.  Starting to bale beans this week.
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    Picture one of your favorite cows.

    Attached a picture of my second favorite cow 8102.  My favorite cow is 0526 an old Prime Cut daughter that has never missed for us.  Sorry not pictures of her. The pictured cow is 8102 a Perfect Wind X SCR Frenchy cow.  Her grand dam is an ET Mate of the 0526 cow.  This cow is ideal for us in...
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    S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating From AAA

    Actually parts of our economy are booming because of the May tornado.  Construction will be very good for A LONG TIME in the Joplin area. What I am saying is have you changed your spending habits over the past several years?  Many people have.  Some because they just don't have the money to...
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    S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating From AAA

    Still struggling along.  It has definately changed the landscape for the rest of our lifetime.  It is hard to replace trees very quickly and the rebuilding will take years.  I suspect that it will take St Johns hospital three years to get a new facility up and running.  Facilities of that size...
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    does this calf have spastic paresis

    We sent the ear in on the calf that we had to destroy.  I feel that this is an important disorder to have pinpointed. It was a real blow to have to shoot a calf that looked as good as ours did.  However, he was getting worse by the week and would have never made it to any kind of market...
  16. S

    does this calf have spastic paresis

    DL, are they still wanting genetic samples from these calves?  If so jbzdad should send the ear to the appropriate geneticists for further study in the event that it is SP. He sure looks like a calf that we had a few years ago with the same symptoms. Judy
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    S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating From AAA

    For those that think that we aren't still in a recession and that this isn't the double dip that economist have worried about, you must not be in the retail world!  For a variety of reason July was one of the worst months that I have ever had.  I attribute this to several factors, THE EXTREME...
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    S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating From AAA

    I agree, Democrate or Republican if they are currently in office they are part of the problem and need to go.  TERM LIMITS!!!!  Vote the old guard out of office and see how they fair in the real world.  Ooops, even out of office they don't have to face reality as they have ensured that their...
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    Beautiful 2 Year old from American Shorthorn Junior Show!

    Because most judges in the US have a bias against pairs.  It takes a really good pair and a judge that is willing to swim against the norm to use a pair to w't allin a show.  And some breeds don't allow the pairs to compete against the heifers for champion honors.
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    Sores on heifers flank

    If your animal has really thick hair, it is possibly what I have been told is  a hot spot.  They are usually red and nasty looking with the hair falling out.  Make sure to keep the area dry and apply an anibacterial ointment.  Make sure after you rinse the animal that the area is completely...