We have the same rule in our district. They excuse absences for illness, or family matters, nothing else. In our family we do 4-h, we hunt, we have a very active life as most people on here probably do. Who is the school to say when and why my children can be absent. On the "unexcused absence notification" that our district sends out (this is for four unexcused absences mind you) it threatens community service, fines and incarceration. Remember they concider an "unexcused absence" anything but, illness, or family matters even if you have prearranged it and gathered all work that will be missed ahead of time. I understand the need for guidelines, because you will always have a handful that will ruin it for the majority, but really incarceration. Just one more example of someone else whether it is the government, the schools, or a stranger trying to raise MY children. Not everyone has hobbies that take place only in the summer, or after school. Ok off my soap box! Good luck with your speech.