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  1. S

    Black Angus Show Heifer for Sale

    This girl has won several breed champion titles, stood 4th in her class at Houston.  We need to make room in the barn for a new girl.  Belle sticks like a dream.
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    Steer show pics

    Thanks to Eric and James Olsen for their support and encouragement this year.  Russell had a great year showing "Tank" collecting four buckles along the way.  He has a new home at Stephen F. Austin State University as part of their livestock judging program.
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    Houston 2009 Scramble and Heifer pictures

    The Brangus heifer stood 5th of 21, she is a 1-27-08.  The top two heifers in the class also stood 1&2 in Division, with the class winner being named Breed Champion.  As the judge put it this class was loaded with "Smoke".
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    Houston 2009 Scramble and Heifer pictures

    The Angus heifer is a Predestine daughter DOB 1-8-08 stood 4th in class out of 21 in Houston and is for sale.
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    Houston Steer Show - Anyone Here Do Any Good?

    I forgot to add these calves are large, my oldest son is 6'1" 175 lbs. and believe me he had his hands full.  I really respect the young girls that accomplish this task, or as my oldest son says "Those girls are gritty".
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    Houston Steer Show - Anyone Here Do Any Good?

    Exactly!  The scramblers are competing to catch a calf in the arena by hand only.  They must then take a halter and put it on the calf's head and lead it into a designated area to complete the task.  Keep in mind this is done in half of the rodeo arena and the calves are very rank and have not...
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    Houston Steer Show - Anyone Here Do Any Good?

    Thanks to all for the CONGRATS!  I think his favorite part was meeting the Justin Training Staff and injured riders in the training room after the scramble.  He took a hoof to the breastbone area and they had the Justin team look at him before they would release him for pictures.  Again it was...
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    Wanted: Market Show Steer for April

    We have a December '07 Maine/Angus steer that is weighing 1175 lbs. currently and will be very fresh for an April show.  Asking $1000 in East Texas.  Puppy dog gentle and easy to show.
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    Houston Steer Show - Anyone Here Do Any Good?

    We did not take our steers, we still have county show coming up and it is a hair show.  We did not want to slick them and not make the sale line and then come home hairless.  Even though they are blowing their hair like crazy anyway.  On a good note my oldest son was in the calf scramble...
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    How Thick???

    Hey a topic I actually know something about!  I would recommend using treated 2 x 6's versus the 2 x 12's.  Yes you will need twice as many but they are typically 1/3 the cost of the 2 x 12, due to the fact that it cost more for a grade log to cut the larger dimension lumber.  If you have a pine...
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    Has a calf suckled?

    I tried to bottle feed and pail feed, lack of experience is a quick teacher.
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    Has a calf suckled?

    One of my son's heifers calved last week and the calf did not suck for two days and still urinated.  We were at the point of tubing the calf when I noticed the plug of gunk in the rectum had not been passed completely.  I caught the calf and cleaned the obstruction and the calf immediately went...
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    What breed of dogs do you own?

    American Bulldog - 115 lb. Guard dog Black Lab - Trained Retriiever on game birds Arkansas Mountain Feist - Squirrel Dog Mutt - Bear Dog (Runs around the yard, bears down on its' butt and barks for a biscuit)
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    board versus real life personalities

    Preach on brother, I've got that Bigfoot look working at 6'7" and 280 lbs.  Just like my signature post "Be who you are, not who people expect you to be."  Seriously though, I enjoy being around people that are low keyed and humble about what God has blessed them with.
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    Word Association Game

    Idea.... have not had one of those in a while, only brain poots.
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    board versus real life personalities

    Anything you meet that "BIG" and that "UGLY" is intimidating.  I have always been told I am intimidating, but really just a big teddy bear, with a sore tail.
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    Nose Rings

    You should have seen the amount of steers at Fort Worth with nose rings, and with many not even that helped.
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    Turn out pens

    We stall during the day in 8'x16' pens and turn out at night into a 85'x50' exercise pen.
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    board versus real life personalities

    As Popeye would say "I's am who I am", and lately that has been pretty much like a sore tailed bear!