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  1. S

    What products and/or equipment you can't do without?

    In this order:  Turbo Fans, Rotobrush and combo Squeeze Cute/Scales, these items allow the boys to take care of a lot of every day chores without my intervention.  The Revive, Kleen Sheen and EZ-All sprayer are nice but just icing on the cake, a clean well organized barn is a must for me.
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    PETA demonstrators are CRAZY!!!

    If they are near naked and wrapped in plastic, just slap a good coat of oil on them and use solar energy for that long slow roast.  This will also appease the environmentalists since there will not be any emissions escaping into the ozone.  Sorry, I usually refrain from this but today could not...
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    Kris Black Female/Bull Sale

    Reno, As I posted earlier we bought a calf from Kris a Torque x Full Flush and also have a calf out of his bull Tank that was raised by Olsen Cattle Co. here in Texas.  I am extremely pleased with both.  I attended his sale last year and Chambero is right, top end calves are awesome!  The...
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    Kris Black Female/Bull Sale

    I finally got to see the bulls our steers came from, one is a Torque x Full Flush and the other is a Tank x Hoo Doo mating.  These are the steers we posted pics of back in May.  Some very good looking females offered in this sale.
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    Shampoo Applicator??

    It was worth the money for me because it helped my younger son become more enthusiastic about washing his own animals.  It also increased the quality of his wash job and cut way down on the amount of time it takes him to complete the job thoroughly.  Worth every penny to me!
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    We have 4 Sullivan Turbo Fans that basically run 24/7 year round, unless the steers are in the cool room late in the year.  In my opinion they are the best, yes a little noisy but move tremendous amounts of air and the calves love laying in front of them in the Texas heat and humidity.  In...
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    I have used a Port-A-Cool for the past two years her in Texas where we will hit temps 100+ with 90-100% humidity.  I have been very satisfied with the results using it in conjunction with the Sullivan Turbo fans.  The units are built 40 miles from where I live and used a lot by auto shops, plant...
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    I am not recommending this, only relaying what I was told by a well known breeder from Iowa at a sale I attended here in Texas.  I was concerned with the size and age of the cattle for our shows, and was told that he feeds potato peels he gets from a restaurant to help hold steers.  This one...
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    I agree with Chambero, implanting a young steer will sometimes make them have too much frame and offset the "proper" growth process thus killing fat gain.  We implant our steers in November for the Fort Worth show in January.  Too fast of growth affects tendon and ligament development which can...
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    College Baseball

    HUGE College Baseball fan here, my dream vacation is to attend the CWS in Omaha before my sons get out of school.  Here in Texas we have several teams with a shot at making it to the big dance, Texas, Rice, Texas A&M and others.  We attend every home series for our local team at Stephen F...
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    Looking for East Texas Jackpot Shows

    We are interested in finding some jackpot shows in the Northeast and Eastern region of Texas for heifers and steers before the weather gets too hot.  We do not run points so Showbox is not much help, if you know of any please post them for us.  Thanks, Sawboss
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    how is planting going this year

    Shortdawg, We plant Summer Flavor 710, Big Stripe, Black Diamond, West Texas White (yellow meated) Seedless cross pollinated with Jubilee.  We plant our rows 12' apart and plant the Jubilee every 4th plant in our seedless and all melons are viable. S S S J S S S J......etc.  Our best eating...
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    how is planting going this year

    Shortdawg, What variety of watermelons does best in your area, growth and market value?  We have 25 acres planted this year, late frost and high winds have really hurt here.
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    08 Trucks

    I drive a '01 F-250 Crew Cab with 205,000 miles, the only engine work I have had done is to replace an alternator and water pump.  I will not buy anything new due to the problems and loss of value off the lot.  This truck will be handed to my oldest son and I will seek a low mileage '02, they...
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    We build our own traps here and catch up to a hundred hogs some years, they are taking us over by the day destroying crops and hay meadows.
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    Anybody out there with a 12 year old daughter????

    Since everyone is spilling their guts on this topic I thought I would jump in.  First off I can not help with advice on girls, I have two sons ages 14 and 11 and both present their own unique problems.  In the past few months the 14 year old has really tested me with some of his "stunts".  Oh...
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    Got Our Houston Pictures In Today

    We received our pictures last week of a pretty little girl and Gert heifer, problem was I have a son and black Brangus heifer.  Wife gave them a call and maybe it is staightened out, we will post when they come in.
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    Your cattle's favorite food??

    Our Shorty this year loved beer poured on his feed, we also have horses that steal it out of the cooler from the truck.
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    2008-09 Model Steers-First Outing

    Thanks, it was not very strong of a show.  Yes we purchased him from Custy, but the breeder is a Planet member Olsen Cattle Co. he is a Tank x Hoo Doo cross that weighed in at 570 lbs.  The black steer came from Kris Black in Oklahoma and is a Torque x Full Flush weighing 545 lbs.  The pics do...