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  1. coyote


    Sorry that was a guess for JIT bull.
  2. coyote


    Would he be a Glenford bull?
  3. coyote


    GM how did you come up with the right answer?
  4. coyote

    Junior sires

    I noticed out here the red bred heifers sold just as good as the blacks or better. The simmental X red angus  seem to have lots of demand, is there change in the winds?
  5. coyote

    Some herd sires from the past

    Is there any pictures of Gafa Mohican around. They say he was a real thick bull.
  6. coyote

    Long nose cattle.

    I don't particularly like cattle with long noses, but here is an example of where a long nose may come in handy. She is reaching down for a drink in a hole in the dam.
  7. coyote

    Sires that where ahead of their time

    Deerpark Improver. If he was born today I don't think it would take 40 years to figure out he had TH.
  8. coyote

    Durham Nation

    The cattle looked good and they had a good sale with a full house. It sounded like quite a few new breeders buying.
  9. coyote

    Hereford heifer entered in Agribition sale

    You got a good picture of her. Did you happen to get a good picture of the roan heifer?
  10. coyote

    Shorthorns kick butt in Quebec

    Here I thought I was going to see a picture of a roan heifer kicking Justin Trudeau.  :(
  11. coyote

    What to do? What to do? N/C

    When you are there you can sit in the sun and think of Shorthorn bulls names.
  12. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

    Okotoks, here are a couple bull calves that are by the Cumberland 5X bull. The red calf is out of a Bonanza daughter and the roan calf is out of a Ultimate daughter.
  13. coyote

    Blue bred heifer

    Blue bred heifer Shorthorn x Maine blue roan, bred heifer. More Information
  14. coyote

    Shorthorn wins Canadian AllBreeds show

    I think if they put sparkles in the pairs hair, they would be pretty hard to beat down east.  :)
  15. coyote

    Hay shortage solutions

    One thing we have done is collect the chaff from the combine. We use to haul it home and feed it with an electric wire but lately we have just let the cows eat it out in the fields.
  16. coyote

    Shorthorn $ figures now have % rankings

    Here is a cow that is working down at Larsons in Montana. I don't know what her numbers are but it looks like she is doing a good job on her calf. Looks like she is maintaining her condition well. I don't think she would win many first prizes in the show ring in the states, but by golly I would...
  17. coyote

    Interactive Breeder Map

    JIT it looks like you are still in your truck outside the doors. You are either checking out or you are Just in Time to check in. ;)
  18. coyote

    When I was out checking cattle I took some photographic images .

    chiangus , we are in SW Saskatchewan. We live in a semi arid area and usually we are dealing with dry conditions or drought just like what is happening south of us in the US. The last 3 years we have had real good moisture in the spring. Like most places the area looks good when it is green...