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  1. NHR

    Bought feed lately?

    Honor Show Chow still the same price for us. We buy every 2 weeks.
  2. NHR

    Sugestions on keeping ants out of stalls?

    Tempo works good as a spray but for long term I would recommend a bait that you can buy from Home Depot. Just broadcast the bait outside the stall and the ants will take it back the mound and in a few days the problem should be gone.
  3. NHR

    Anybody else having problems with growing hair this summer?

    Thats to easy to comment on so I will leave it alone  ......... ;)
  4. NHR

    Anybody else having problems with growing hair this summer?

    We are not having issues growing hair and we do not have a cooler. Just have fans, misters, water hose, rice root brush, sheen, and lots of work. Have clipped the heifer down tight several times this summer.
  5. NHR

    Show fans

    Sullivan Turbos for shows are the way to go but we use Schaeffer's in the barn.
  6. NHR

    Daughters JPJ steer project / opinions

    He is looking real good!
  7. NHR

    Shorthorn $ figures now have % rankings

    Well since you cannot trust the EPD's to begin with I just don't understand how you could trust the new numbers.
  8. NHR

    Boss Blowers

    It wont be to much longer before the major shows in Texas limit the number and type of  blowers you can bring to prevent the power issues, It really pisses me off when I can use a single blower and get our calves dry and then someone decides they need to run a double blower setup and trip every...
  9. NHR

    Boss Blowers

    We use the Sullivan's Air Express because we know at most major shows Sullivan's will be there and if something goes wrong we can get it fixed. We don't use a double blower setup because they just blow the breakers at most shows.... I have seen the Boss in action and it is a good blower, just...
  10. NHR

    Just so your aware. You can be sued for what you post on the Internet!

    But what about the aliens hovering over my ranch??? <alien>
  11. NHR

    Just so your aware. You can be sued for what you post on the Internet!

    A photo I got from the government! Very interesting.....
  12. NHR

    Just so your aware. You can be sued for what you post on the Internet!

    I don't get on SP for a couple days and come back and find I missed a lot. I have a lot of popcorn to eat while reading this thread  (pop) By the way, everyone on the Internet can be tracked. I am an engineer with a global telecommunications company supporting public sector including federal...
  13. NHR

    Smart phone apps

    Flashlight app is awesome, Use mine all the time. I also use the Cattle Breeding Calculator app along with Commodities tracking apps.
  14. NHR

    My PB Limmy Heifer (.best and only pic I have.) (need names for her too!)

    Brown Sugar Round and Brown thats all I got.....
  15. NHR


    Back to the use of ACE (the drug). If your animal needs ACE to be shown then you probably should not show it (just my opinion). Best way to calm down show animals is to work with them everyday by rinsing, brushing, practice showing, hauling them to small shows, and just working with them...
  16. NHR


    This needs more recognition!!!  (clapping)
  17. NHR

    Selling half a Heifer

    Have it put into a contract and notarized. Also get insurance on the animal!!!
  18. NHR


    You need something to increase his appetite or feed him less to make him  hungry so he its faster. It is not always a bad thing to have a slow eater because a fast eater has a tendency to bloat easier. The only supplement we add to our feed is SureChamp by Vitaferm. SureChamp works real good at...