My kids two heifers have been in the cooler for 5 weeks. The cooler runs constantly at 40 degrees and fans are blowing on them. They are blown off prior to going into the cooler and when we take them out. In the morning I spray a show sheen mixture on them to help fluff their hair so the fans will generate some hair movement and stimulate hair growth. At night, I also wet them down. Our heifer that is 14 months old only has a grown a little hair on her back end. Our 11 month old heifer had decent hair when I put her in there, hasn't grown much hair either, actually starting to lose hair. Recently it was suggested I add a veterinary liniment with my show sheen mixture to stimulate blood flow. Have only been using the liniment for a week so it is too early to say it hasn't helped. Anyone else having problems growing hair this summer?