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  1. T

    My New Heifer Update *Pics*

    she weighed 715 this weekend at the show and took 3rd behind a 13 month old ali heifer and a red limi heifer that was around 14 months she was the second youngest heifer in the class out of eight so I'm pleased for what the circumstances where.
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    What should I breed to.

    that heifer I got from Jason is a sunseeker she's very sound and very showy I would breed her to Sunseeker also the BOLD STATEMENT calving reports have been phenomenal so you might consider him as well
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    My New Heifer Update *Pics*

    yes its the first time I have dealt with Jason he's an honest good guy who has great cattle his site is on showsteers its jensen show cattle. I don't have acces to full tank but I do have access to beet pulp and I wonder if acco makes anything for them?
  4. T

    My New Heifer Update *Pics*

    It only cost me 350 to haul her down but Jason split it with me so I only had to pay 175. Do you think she should have some shots at a couple of grands or reserves in her show career or is she just an average heifer?
  5. T

    My New Heifer Update *Pics*

    I'm from Florida I got her hauled down from Lathrop Livestock Hauling and we picked her up at Southern Cattle Company in Marianna, Fl. She's actually growing about an inch or a little over of hair a month where really pushing her. She's holding up well. Of course it could be the two fand and...
  6. T

    My New Heifer Update *Pics*

    I paid 1800 for her I really got a good deal on her I've had her for about a month and a half now. Her legs are holding up good every day she gets a rinse and once a week a soap bath. She tracks a little narow but walks right into her tracks. she actually has some pretty good ribshape she's just...
  7. T

    My New Heifer Update *Pics*

    This is my new heifer I got from Jason Jensen, she's a sunseeker out of a herf x angus cow. She is a mid april heifer. let me know what you think. she's blown out with a little kleen sheen in her thats it.
  8. T

    Charolais cows

    whats market price up there? Look at your messages.
  9. T

    Appendix Heifer Pics...Opinions

    JAKES PROUD JAZZ would really make a nice calf with her.
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    steer questions

    yeah I was supposed to pay 2000 but something went wrong with the shipping payment and instead of me paying half which was 200 he paid for it so I only paid 1800 which is even a better deal.
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    steer questions

    Yeah my new heifer I got from jason jensen didn't look like a real big heifer in the pictures but when I got her she was amazing. feminine but thick at the same time. She's like a mack truck in the back and a sleek sports car in the front.  ;D for the price I got her for is amazing. Theres a...
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    show circuit

    yeah got it like 2 weeks ago.
  13. T

    steer questions

    I've showed at are county fair for over four years now are average price for hogs is around 4.00 dollars a pound are average steer is around 2.75 with the grand and reserve going for anywhere between 5-9 dollars a pound. People at are fair don't really go for the meat they go to support the...
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    steer questions

    The 900 dollar steer he has will not contend for grand next year plain and simple. The steer is almost ten months old and only weighs maybe 600 pounds. The man who has them doesn't push his steers, he gives them what they need to survive. The calve is a bottle calf that was a twin. he's frail...
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    Grooming Chutes

    650 for a steel I have an aluminium I would be willing to go 55o if seriously interested at sullivans an aluminium is 800 after freight and that doesn't include a floor. I live in Central Florida where are you located.
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    Grooming Chutes

    I do for 600. I can get you pictures if you'd like. I'll give you the floor with it. Its just plywood with a thin 1/2 inch foam on top covered with outdoor carpet. I live in Florida so if it needs to be shipped you'll have to pay for shipping.
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    coarse hair

    thank you justamom but why where you "clapping" just wondering?  :)
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    coarse hair

    Oh well where on thankgiving break right now so that why she's getting two otherwise she would just get one a day and I'm only soaping her once a week othert tha that she get's a light oil in her hair everyday once a day. I'm not worried about growing it I'm worried about training it and keeping...
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    coarse hair

    awesome she's really getting along well. Other than dragging me oh about 75 feet in the pasture the first day off breaking she's doing fine. she eating about 15 or more pounds a day getting 1-2 baths and under 2 fans and misters from about 6:30 to 6:30 everyday. She really calmed down in the...
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    coarse hair

    My new show heifer has really coarse like hair that doesn't want to pop or stay up. She's getting rinsed twice a day but IO just can't seem to get the coarseness out of her hair any ideas?