Well-known member
This is my new heifer I got from Jason Jensen, she's a sunseeker out of a herf x angus cow. She is a mid april heifer. let me know what you think. she's blown out with a little kleen sheen in her thats it.

TottenClubCalves said:This is my new heifer I got from Jason Jensen, she's a sunseeker out of a herf x angus cow. She is a mid april heifer. let me know what you think. she's blown out with a little kleen sheen in her thats it.
TottenClubCalves said:It only cost me 350 to haul her down but Jason split it with me so I only had to pay 175. Do you think she should have some shots at a couple of grands or reserves in her show career or is she just an average heifer?