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  1. DLD

    Which Blower is best?

    I see a lot of people changing these back to regular sized hoses... There's a reason for the big hose - the increased backpressure is usually too much for the motors.  If you're lucky they'll just get hot and shut down - if you're not (or if you keep pushing them) they'll lock up. 
  2. DLD

    Which Blower is best?

    Some motors are just better than others.  I mostly run Blue Ribbon's blowers, but I've been around enough of 'em of all brands to know that you get better and worse ones within a brand.  I have friends that swear their undying loyalty to a particular brand because they've got one that puts out...
  3. DLD

    Which Blower is best?

    Circuiteer, Sullivan's and a number of the other show supply dealers that build their own blower all use the same motors.  Sullivan's adds a small heating element, everybody uses different filters, cones, hoses, nozzles, etc... that accounts for the pretty negligible differences in cfm they put...
  4. DLD

    Question about this site?

    I don't think anyone here meant to snub you or your daughter - we're generally a pretty friendly bunch.  As others have said, this is a very busy time of year for farmers, ranchers and for school activities - this site always slows way down this time of year.  I look in when I get the odd...
  5. DLD

    Removing scurs

    Yep.  Since you say they've just appeared, I'm going to assume that it's just the little soft scur about the size of a fingernail?  We just pop those off with a pair of surgical scissors - like newguy says, it shouldn't even bleed much, if at all.
  6. DLD

    I80 vs I67 vs Jesse James

    Had a couple I-67's, been around a few more.  IMO, the really good one's are out of smaller framed cows with big middles and long necks.  He will power one up, but they seem to tend toward bigger framed calves with shorter, plainer necks.  Had our first I-80 this week.  He's out of a Monopoly...
  7. DLD

    Our Son Keaton Christensen, Serious accident

    Sending our thoughts and prayers.
  8. DLD

    Houson steer show video?

    It's not on stock show live, even though most of the rest of the show is.  I'd like to see some classes where steers I sold and other people I know were in.  Matter of fact, they don't have video up from San Antonio, or even Tulsa last fall (market steer shows anyway). I love the concept - not...
  9. DLD

    Video: Oklahoma Youth Expo Grand Steer Drive

    Great video!  Thanks for posting this.
  10. DLD

    Trying to get back

    Good to see you! :)
  11. DLD

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    I guess I just have a different philosophy about all this than you guys do.  I'm old school, I still feel like the point of the program is for the kids to learn about the business of producing livestock, not just having expensive hobbies.  Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  12. DLD

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    There's a huge difference in a parent, grandparent, whoever helping a kid buy a calf or even buying it for them, and in a breeder or trader lending out a calf that they will get back.  Lot's of kids around here go to a bank and borrow money to buy show calves (it's amazing how much money a...
  13. DLD

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    Sure you reduced the cost of the project, you also removed any chance the project has of even paying for itself in most cases, at least in our part of the world.  Many counties don't have premium sales for heifers, and most of the ones that do only pay a few hundred dollars.  I don't know of any...
  14. DLD

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    I'm pretty sure most junior shows require heifers to be registered in only the exhibitors name.  Some breed shows may allow family ownership, but I'm not sure about that anymore. If a contract is a must, it probably needs to read that the exhibitor purchased the heifer, but is obligated to sell...
  15. DLD

    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    Exactly.  I also agree that it's much safer with heifers than steers.  I appreciate that it can make a big difference for some kids that wouldn't be able to do it any other way, and I'm really not opposed to helping out a kid like that.  But too often it's just a way for adults to retain...
  16. DLD

    Champoin, Reserve, Third Overall...

    I agree in that I hate the everyone's a winner mentality.  I don't think that's the case here, though - it's more to recognize the depth of quality at a show, IMO.  Here in OK, we pick a top 5 at the prospect shows at both our state fairs.  We also pick a third best in each breed so that a judge...
  17. DLD

    Lowest US cow/heifer inventory since 1941.

    The past three years of intense drought have tried to finish us off, but we've been in a drier trend for like 10 years.  25 years ago (when I bought my first place), you pretty much figured on a quarter section of dryland improved grass around here being able to support 25-30 cows year round...
  18. DLD

    Lowest US cow/heifer inventory since 1941.

    A very big part of why the cow herd is smaller in our region (I'm saying western OK and western TX, at least - I believe there are other areas facing the same situation) is drought.  Both grass and water supplies have severely limited the capacity for cows in our part of the world for several...
  19. DLD

    Hip height on cattle

    It's been awhile, but we used to pelvic measure all of our heifers before we bred them.  We quit because after 10 years of measuring every heifer we bred, we never culled one on pelvic size.  But we did enough of them to make some observations, the primary one being that bigger heifers didn't...
  20. DLD

    Major Shows

    I think there is some merit to getting a major or two under your belt before you go in expecting to "get along".  If you're realistically not expecting much, but you can afford the time and money to take a calf, it can be beneficial to learn the routines of getting in and out and just...