Question about this site?

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2014
I'm curious what this site is about? Is it for people to pass on creative ideas they have learned or came up with to make things easier on others. Is it for experienced people to help the inexperienced/novice with problems they might have in their cattle. Is it for big ranches and cattlemen to talk to one another and look down at someone with 2-8 head.  I look at alllll these posts. I look at how many views there are on a post and how many actual replies. Someone asks about feed and there are 270 views with no replies. Are people are on the net  just viewing a cattle forum that know nothing about cattle? Someone posts about Cliven Bundy and there are 5240 views with 128 replies. Post about a steer off feed and water 220 views and 1 reply. My 15 y/o daughter took the initiative to get on here and ask a few questions about her 4-H steer w bare response if any. We are just piss ants with 2 $1100.00 show calves. I was just curious to what the site is really about, might have gotten the wrong idea when I joined. To the one or two who responded to her concerns Thanks.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Thanks for posting and welcome.

The easiest way to get started is to search the site for your question. Most people have answered your type of question many times so they don't necessarily feel your urgency each time someone new asks what go them seems like a similar question.

One new feature that was added was 5 or so similar posts that appear down at the bottom.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
There are many helpful people on this site. The one thing I have notice is there are many readers. Anything political will go crazy. Use the search function there is tons of information on here if you look around. It is also springtime and guys are calving and planting. I have noticed a decline in the number of responses in the spring. There are many beginners and small people on here.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I replied to your steer off of feed question, put was hesitant since the last thing I want to do is make things worse, there are so many things that can factor into a calf going off of feed. Usually I would take them off of feed for a day and just load them up on hay and probios, but since you just bought new hay and it is the only thing you say changed, I would not want to load him up on hay if that is the problem.

That is why you did not get the answers to your question in my opinion, nobody wants to make a suggestion and end up doing more bad than good, in this situation.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I look at this site as a365 day steer show.

People are in the aisle ways sleeping with their animals, there's the grandpas sitting together, the moms blinging out, the kids running in the aisle ways, thieves casing the joint, helpers trying to sell something, it's just like being at the fair. Theres clicks and being a stranger trying to fit in just takes a little persistence.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
Lomac, I have noticed this trend too. Unfortunately in the rural location I am in right now my internet service is sketchy.  I have helped youth reach their goals and become successful in the show industry for the last 15 years.  If you daughter has anymore questions or any youth for that matter feel free to call. I know I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for the time and experience others shared with me.



Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
I use to try to answer feeding questions but try not to any longer b/c by the time a thread gets done there so many conflicting ideas that I tend to believe that a person could get more confused by the time they try to digest the info than if they had never asked the question. Also your location would have a large influence as to which feed stuffs are readily available to you. I would also suggest the search function.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2009
Ruskin, MN

don't get discouraged.  Lots of good people and info on this site.  We are piss ants also in that we are trying to have some fun as a family in a project my daughter and sons love and we can enjoy together.    The search function is a must, local experts also.  We have struggled with the off feed issue also.  Not sure why.  Have some heifers and steers getting too fat while others don't want to eat.  Same rations, same environment.  Different cattle, go figure.  Have tried every trick told on here and then some.  Still trying.  Also remember this is a forum, tone and intent is hard to interpret.  Can get heated when not meant too, but also sometimes is intended that way.  Use a filter both on writing posts and reading posts and enjoy it.  Its a great site with great people.



Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
lomac said:
I'm curious what this site is about? Is it for people to pass on creative ideas they have learned or came up with to make things easier on others. Is it for experienced people to help the inexperienced/novice with problems they might have in their cattle. Is it for big ranches and cattlemen to talk to one another and look down at someone with 2-8 head.  I look at alllll these posts. I look at how many views there are on a post and how many actual replies. Someone asks about feed and there are 270 views with no replies. Are people are on the net  just viewing a cattle forum that know nothing about cattle? Someone posts about Cliven Bundy and there are 5240 views with 128 replies. Post about a steer off feed and water 220 views and 1 reply. My 15 y/o daughter took the initiative to get on here and ask a few questions about her 4-H steer w bare response if any. We are just piss ants with 2 $1100.00 show calves. I was just curious to what the site is really about, might have gotten the wrong idea when I joined. To the one or two who responded to her concerns Thanks.

I hate to make an excuse, but I am one that read and didn't comment.  For me, I just don't have the expertise to lend any advice.  When I have feed questions, I will typically send a Personal Message (PM) to one of about 5 different people on the site.  Fortunately, two of them have commented on your post. 

After you have visited the site for a couple months, you will find that you understand and trust certain people that post.  That is not because they are the only ones that know anything.  It is because you understand how they communicate.  You are comfortable with their personality.

Issues of getting a steer to shrink or fill, I look to vc.

Issues of fitting or growing hair, I look to Cowman.

Issues of ethics where the water may seem a little "murky", chambero.

Politics, X-Bar and knabe......because they agree on everything.  (argue)

And my list goes on and on.

One thing that I don't seem to get directed at me is the "looking down on" scenario.  I am not saying it is not true.  I have not personally experienced it.

Hang in with us!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
I don't think anyone here meant to snub you or your daughter - we're generally a pretty friendly bunch.  As others have said, this is a very busy time of year for farmers, ranchers and for school activities - this site always slows way down this time of year.  I look in when I get the odd chance, and I have to admit that if I don't have much time to spend,  I will pretty much only open threads that I'm already following.

Like CAB, I rarely comment to feeding questions because there are usually many conflicting ideas - some I agree with and some I don't, and I figure it's confusing enough already.  Also, very often the original poster ends up getting defensive and blowing off the reasonable advice they do get.  My usual reply would be the same - no grain for a day or two, just grass hay and treat with probiotics, and slowly bring back the grain.  It's the answer I'd expect you to get from several people here,  so I guess I'm guilty of not taking the time to look.

This is a community, and like any other we tend to fall into groups.  Just because we get comfortable in our banter with the other posters we're familiar with doesn't mean we don't welcome new folks - you've just gotta keep joining in 'til  you're familiar too.



Active member
Oct 17, 2011
just wait till you disagree with a couple of them. They will respond at that point.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I would say the one thing I have always appreciated about this site over others is that is big enough yet small enough. I also like when people are frank when asking for opinions. I figure if I post and ask for an opinion its an open forum they are not always gonna be like mine but that's okay. You will see trends and depending on the time of year some folks are more interested in some topics and less in others. Calving and breeding season you will see more topics related. Feeding problems can arise about any time. The traffic makes huge difference. I have sent personal messages to lots of people simply because sometimes I prefer to state an opinion privately. Lots of resources and a variety of operations in size and scale. I always encourage people to post your question because even if you get one or two replies they may be good one's and someday someone will search just what you asked and get the answer they want. Do not get discouraged. Keep posting.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The problem today is that there is too much bs in cattle feeding causing acidosis and causing people's calves to go off feed and for the record, xbar and myself agree on more than either one of us care to admit.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
I compare this site to a coffee shop. I can't make myself not come in and shoot the breeze, but on the other hand, I can't leave! I enjoy reading other people's opinions; I try what I think makes sense for our calves, and I leave the rest.

The best advice you can get is from someone you can look in the eye and you trust. If you don't have that person, get them. Now. You will learn from them. They will learn from you, and if everyone is on the same page, with a goal to work towards, success will happen.

Lots and lots and lots of good info here. Use the search tool on this sight. Chances are, someone else asked that same question 3,4,5 years ago.

Don't get discouraged....