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  1. G

    Ringworm Around Heifers Eye

    Can also use athlete's foot cream and yeast infection cream too -- pretty much the same stuff just marketed differently.
  2. G

    Ringworm Around Heifers Eye

    Shapley's MTG is good, but don't want it in the eye.  Any food grade grease like bacon grease will smother the ringworm about as fast as anything.
  3. G

    Double blower cart question?

    We used a Sullivan and a Circuiteer together for several years.  Pretty sure they are the same motors.
  4. G

    Heifer that's a little straight in her hocks

    Well you probably need to start with TH free sires unless you get her tested.  Maybe run with an Angus like PVF Insight or along that line for her first calf.
  5. G

    Heifer that's a little straight in her hocks

    What is her TH status?  Sire and MGS?
  6. G

    ANGUS PEOPLE!! I need help!

    Pretty solid maternal genetics.  She could be bred maternal, powered up for growth or cross with simm.  If you have a reg # would have a better idea what she is.
  7. G

    Weaning (Stress) Tubs

    Vita Ferm Stress tubs for first 7-10 days with grass bale then to grass alfalfa mix and introduce 50:50 corn:oats the first week.  Warm them up for 45 days then on to the next phase.
  8. G

    New Donor Cows

    Horse Butte 6141 would certainly make cows and I wouldn't hesitate to use a bull like that for western range cows.  You can always hop them up with more terminal genetics if retaining ownership of calves and feeding them out.
  9. G

    New Donor Cows

    Nyk -- if you want to bump carcass EPDs without losing functionality, might look at Baldridge Colonel and BUBS Southern Charm.
  10. G

    Cool room question

    The guy at Cool Bot says a 1200 lb. steer will radiate about 5600 BTUs per hour.  Two steers will be 11,000-12,000 BTU.  We used a 24,000 BTU window AC with a Cool Bot.  The room was 10x12 with 3-4" of spray foam insulation and the bottom 4' had OSB for interior wall.  We could keep it around 60...
  11. G

    Need Advice - Stubborn Steer

    Sounds like he learned not to pull back when tied up.  However, he never learned to lead.  I like to teach them to lead in a small pen.  First task is just to stand to the side maybe two feet away from their head and just pull their head toward you maybe 6 inches and then release.  Do that over...
  12. G

    Need some thoughts

    Seems to me this body type is just from immaturity and being later maturing. The front eventually catches up with the back, but it will take a year or two more time.  The difference from front to back says he has quite a bit of room to grow yet.
  13. G

    Help me choose a bull, Style vs. Insight

    Angus usually improves Simmental.  ;D
  14. G

    Help me choose a bull, Style vs. Insight

    In my opinion, which is based on very few head personally, Insight can work well on really good females.  However, I do not think he fixes anything.  I would lean more toward Style, but have not used him myself. You might consider a Barstow Cash son such as Barstow Banker. Another direction...
  15. G

    Best way to get a shiny coat?

    Flax seed meal.  About a pound per head per day.
  16. G

    Steer calf sound or not? Video

    From what I can see he is too straight on both ends.  His shoulder angle is too steep.  This is causing his knees to buck over, which you can see from the video.  I have never seen one get better.  They just get worse.  He also looks like he is becoming open shouldered as well and that will be...
  17. G

    Angus Herd Sire Progression

    Your bull looks really good at 7 years.  I think this pretty well proves his soundness and disposition to stay around this long.  There are not many bulls that have this kind of longevity.
  18. G

    Which is better? Fresh and Feminine or Shag?

    Her brisket lines up with her girth, so she does not look heavy fronted to me.  She definitely needs more middle and she is about right condition-wise for a breeding heifer, but needs to have more condition for show.  Her pose needs some help and that will make her look better too.  Others...
  19. G

    Which breed of bull ? AI

    1. When do you want your pounds -- weaning, as stockers, or are you feeding them out? 2. What are your genetics in your cows and what is your pasture environment -- how much genetic potential in the calves do your cows have the ability to realize?  You can breed them to hot rod growth genetics...
  20. G

    Steer or keep as a bull?

    BIM can misfire in about every direction possible.