Which breed of bull ? AI

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Mar 31, 2018
I have 20 older 7 and up commercial cows.  I want to try and AI them. My goal is black and pounds.  Which breed will do the job better? Angus ? Simmi? Gelbvieh? Maine? And Amy bulls you all have used? Thanks a million!


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
1. When do you want your pounds -- weaning, as stockers, or are you feeding them out?

2. What are your genetics in your cows and what is your pasture environment -- how much genetic potential in the calves do your cows have the ability to realize?  You can breed them to hot rod growth genetics, but if the cows don't have it in them to produce, then it is unrealized potential.

3. Again what are the genetics of your cows -- hybrid vigor can come into play, but if your cows are crossbred mutts, then a purebred sire will probably be best.

4. I appreciate all breeds, but raise and am partial to Angus.  There is enough variety in the breed that you can find an appropriate sire for your situation in 1, 2 and 3 above.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
Going to have to agree with GoWyo. Angus seems the best for your situation. The Angus breed has basically created their own heterosis by line breeding and selecting diffferent phenotypes and then measuring the results and reporting them accurately and consistently. You can breed for most things to change your cow herd reliably using Angus genetics. I’m not an Angus guy, but they have done a great job of creating a large variety of selectable traits that have heritability and giving you reliable estimates as to how they affect their offspring. They are the most marketable too; especially with the CAB program and premium they provide. Just my opinion. A homo black Simmental sire would be my second choice given your scenario. There will always be exceptions, but selecting only by breed I think those two have the most to offer.

Mark H

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
Again we need to know more about the cows to be bred.  What needs improving and their capacity to raise high performance calves.  Also what are your management capabilities? Are you going to be around all the time when they are calving?  What is your set up for buildings etc?
Now that that is out of the way: The Angus or any other breed does not have the genetic variability that exists between breeds.  MARC data confirms this. You are trying to maximize your hybrid vigor and complementary between breeds.  If you have Angus based cows you would be wiser in using a Power Simmental (i.e. TNT Tanker) or a high Performance Charolais Bull like LT Sundance if you want to press the scales.  I would not use a black bull of any sort if the cows have the diluter gene present or you will have chance of getting slick haired calves that can be a problem to manage. 
I have not seen a Maine bull I would use in a performance commercial herd in decades.
The big thing is to get a bull that will make the calf crop uniform over a variety of different cow types in most cases. If you can use a Black Angus bull I would be looking at a Power Bull like Young Dale Xcalibur. 